69 BC

69 BC

__NOTOC__Year 69 BC was a year of the pre-Julian calendar.


By place


* Consuls: Quintus Caecilius Metellus Creticus (died 55 BC) and Quintus Hortensius.
* Antiochus XIII Asiaticus is installed as King of Syria. [Joseph Thomas, "Universal Pronouncing Dictionary of Biography and Mythology", 1908, Lippincott, 2550 pages]
* Roman troops under Lucius Lucullus defeat the army of Tigranes II of Armenia in the Battle of Tigranocerta, and capture Tigranocerta, capital of Armenia.
* Parthians and Romans re-establish Euphrates as a frontier.
* Gaius Julius Caesar is a quaestor in Spain.


* Ptolemy XII deposes Cleopatra V, and becomes sole ruler


* Kydonia, an ancient city on the island of Crete falls to Roman military forces. [ [http://letmespeaktothedriver.com/site/10881/cydonia.html#fieldnotes C. Michael Hogan, "Cydonia", The Modern Antiquarian, Jan. 23, 2008] ]


*JanuaryPrincess Cleopatra of Egypt, later Pharaoh Cleopatra VII of Egypt (or December, 70 BC) (d. 30 BC)
*Octavia Minor, grand-niece of Julius Caesar (d. 11 BC)
*Wang Zhengjun, Empress of the western Han Dynasty of China (d. 13)


*Julia, wife of Gaius Marius (b. c. 130 BC)


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