Labrador tea

Labrador tea

Labrador tea, is a name commonly applied to two species: Ledum palustre (Northern Labrador Tea, also known as Rhododendron tomentosum) and Ledum groenlandicum (Bog Labrador Tea). In Labrador itself, Labrador Tea is also frequently called Indian Tea. Both are plants in the Heath family (Ericaceae) with strongly aromatic leaves that can be used to make a very palatable herbal tea. Labrador tea has been a favorite beverage among Athabaskan and Eskimo people for many years. Labrador tea is a low shrub with evergreen leaves. The leaves are smooth on top with often wrinkled edges, and fuzzy white to red-brown underneath. The tiny white flowers grow in hemispherical clusters and are very fragrant and sticky and highly attractive to bees.


The Athabaskans use it as a beverage and also as medicine for weak blood, colds, tuberculosis, dizziness, stomach problems, heartburn, kidney problems and hangover.


Ledum palustre grows in peaty soils, shrubby areas, moss and lichen tundra. Ledum groenlandicum grows in bogs and wet shores, and sometimes on rocky alpine slopes. Both species are generally northern (north temperate to tundra) in distribution, with the range of L. groenlandicum somewhat farther south.


Both Ledum palustre and Ledum groenlandicum grow slowly, so pick individual leaves rather than whole branches, and harvest from different shrubs. In addition, Labrador tea grows in abundance in large patches so it should not be difficult to move from plant to plant to avoid over-harvesting. Labrador tea is an evergreen plant and will be available all year long.

External links and references

* [] . Labrador Tea from the point of view of the US Forest Service

* [] Labrador Tea - (grunge)rock band from Brno, Czech Republic

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