

thumb|right|Hydrocyclone, ">
1. the liquid-solid mixture enters,
2. heavy solids leave,
3. cleaned liquid leaves.
A hydrocyclone is a device to classify/separate or sort particles in a liquid suspension based on the densities of the particles. A hydrocyclone may be used to separate solids from liquids or to separate liquids of different density.

A hydrocyclone will normally have a cylindrical section at the top where liquid is being fed tangentially, and a conical base. The angle, and hence length of the conical section, plays a role in determining operating characteristics.

A hydrocyclone has two exits on the axis: the smaller on the bottom ("underflow" or "reject") and a larger at the top ("overflow" or "accept"). The underflow is generally the denser or thicker fraction, while the overflow is the lighter or more fluid fraction.

Internally, centrifugal force is countered by the resistance of the liquid, with the effect that larger or denser particles are transported to the wall for eventual exit at the "reject" side with a limited amount of liquid, whilst the finer, or less dense particles, remain in the liquid and exit at the overflow side through a tube extending slightly into the body of the cyclone at the center [ [http://www.cfd.com.au/cfd_conf99/papers/063DYAK.PDF Hydrocyclone behaviour] ] .

Forward hydrocyclones remove particles that are denser than the surrounding fluid, while reverse hydrocyclones remove particles that are less dense than the surrounding fluid. In a reverse hydrocyclone the overflow is at the apex and the underflow at the base. There are also parallel flow hydrocyclones where both the "accept" and "reject" are removed at the apex. Parallel-flow hydrocyclones remove particles that are lighter than the surround fluid. [ [http://www.uvt.uni-erlangen.de/deutsch/papers/J2000/a2000-11.pdf Separation principle] ]

Hydrocyclones can be made of metal (mostly steel), ceramic or plastic (such as polyurethane, polypropylene, or other types). Metal or ceramic hydrocyclones are used for situations requiring more strength, or durability in terms of heat or pressure. When there is an occurrence of much abrasion (such as occurs with sand particles) polyurethane performs better than metals or ceramics. Metal lined with polyurethane is used in cases of combined abrasion and high pressure.

In a suspension of particles with the same density, a relatively sharp cut can be made. The size at which the particles separate is a function of cyclone diameter, exit dimensions, feed pressure and the relative characteristics of the particles and the liquid. Efficiency of separation is a function of the solids’ concentration: the higher the concentration, the lower the efficiency of separation. There is also a significant difference in suspension density between the base exit (fines) and the apex exit, where there is little liquid flow.

If the size range of the particles is limited, but there are differences in density between types of particle, the denser particles will exit preferentially at the apex. The device is therefore a means of selective concentration of, for example, minerals.

This device is also related to centrifuges, both of them is intended to separate heavies and lights in liquid by application of centrifugal force.


* In pulp and paper mills to remove sand, staples, plastic particles and other contaminants.
* In the drilling industry to separate sand from the expensive clay that is used for lubrication during the drilling.
* In industry to separate oil from water or "vice versa".
* In metal working to separate metal particles from cooling liquid.

See also

* Cyclonic separation
* Sand separator


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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