- Geoffrey Gates
Geoffrey Gates was born in
Sydney in 1968 and has lived inAustralia ,England andGermany .He is the author of "A Ticket for Perpetual Locomotion", a novel about a young man named Carlos who disappears after reading the work of fictitious Mexican writer Eduardo Maranda. Short, episodic chapters follow the adventures of three 'Perpetual Locomotors' and Maranda, the author of their troubles. The novel uses a multiple narrative and frequent flashbacks and has elements of magic realism, mystery and travel genre. It is published by Interactive Press, Queensland. "
The Sydney Morning Herald " said the book was "nothing if not ambitious" but "too heavy to keep the reader moving." [ [http://www.smh.com.au/news/book-reviews/a-ticket-for-perpetual-locomotion/2006/01/17/1137260031536.html "Sydney Morning Herald" review of "A Ticket for Perpetual Locomotion"] ]Short stories by Geoffrey Gates have appeared in such academic journals as Verandah, [http://www.dotlit.qut.edu.au/200301/yellow.html Dotlit] , [http://www.gangway.net/27/gangway27.2.html Gangway] , UQ Vanguard, and LINQ.
External links
* [http://geoffreygates.blogspot.com/ Geoffrey Gates's blog]
*"A Ticket for Perpetual Locomotion" at [http://librariesaustralia.nla.gov.au/apps/kss Libraries Australia]
* [http://www.ipoz.biz/IP/IP.htm Interactive Press] .
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.