Integral representation theorem for classical Wiener space

Integral representation theorem for classical Wiener space

In mathematics, the integral representation theorem for classical Wiener space is a result in the fields of measure theory and stochastic analysis. Essentially, it shows how to decompose a function on classical Wiener space into the sum of its expected value and an Itō integral.

tatement of the theorem

Let C_{0} ( [0, T] ; mathbb{R}) (or simply C_{0} for short) be classical Wiener space with classical Wiener measure gamma. If F in L^{2} (C_{0}; mathbb{R}), then there exists a unique Itō integrable process alpha^{F} : [0, T] imes C_{0} o mathbb{R} (i.e. in L^{2} (B), where B is canonical Brownian motion) such that

:F(sigma) = int_{C_{0 F(p) , mathrm{d} gamma (p) + int_{0}^{T} alpha^{F} (sigma)_{t} , mathrm{d} sigma_{t}

for gamma-almost all sigma in C_{0}.

In the above,
* int_{C_{0 F(p) , mathrm{d} gamma (p) = mathbb{E} [F] is the expected value of F; and
* the integral int_{0}^{T} cdots, mathrm{d} sigma_{t} is an Itō integral.

The proof of the integral representation theorem requires the Clark-Ocone theorem from the Malliavin calculus.

Corollary: integral representation for an arbitrary probability space

Let (Omega, mathcal{F}, mathbb{P}) be a probability space. Let B : [0, T] imes Omega o mathbb{R} be a Brownian motion (i.e. a stochastic process whose law is Wiener measure). Let { mathcal{F}_{t} | 0 leq t leq T } be the natural filtration of mathcal{F} by the Brownian motion B:::mathcal{F}_{t} = sigma { B_{s}^{-1} (A) | A in mathrm{Borel} (mathbb{R}), 0 leq s leq t }.Suppose that f in L^{2} (Omega; mathbb{R}) is mathcal{F}_{T}-measurable. Then there is a unique Itō integrable process a^{f} in L^{2} (B) such that::f = mathbb{E} [f] + int_{0}^{T} a_{t}^{f} , mathrm{d} B_{t} mathbb{P}-almost surely.


*Mao Xuerong. "Stochastic differential equations and their applications." Chichester: Horwood. (1997)

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