- List of basic trigonometry topics
:"For a more comprehensive list, see the
List of trigonometry topics ."Trigonometry is a branch ofmathematics which deals withangle s, triangles andtrigonometric function s such as sine, cosine and tangent.The following outline is provided as an overview of and introduction to trigonometry:
Basic trigonometry concepts
Trigonometric function
*Law of cosines
*Law of sines
*Law of tangents
*Generating trigonometric tables
*Pythagorean theorem
*List of trigonometric identities
*Exact trigonometric constants
*Inverse trigonometric function Branches of trigonometry
Rational trigonometry
*Spherical trigonometry Fields which use trigonometry
*Civil engineering
*Computer graphics
*Electrical engineering
*Game development
*Mechanical engineering
*Medical imaging
*Music theory
*Number theory
*Physical science
*Probability theory
*Surveying Some applications of trigonometry
Great Trigonometric Survey
*Triangulation History of trigonometry
* History of the law of cosines
*History of trigonometric functions Trigonometry in calculus
Inverse trigonometric function
*List of integrals of trigonometric functions
*Trigonometric integral
*Trigonometric substitution Trigonometry scholars
Pythagoras Trigonometry lists
List of trigonometric identities
*Table of mathematical symbols See also
*List of basic geometry topics
*Spherical geometry
*Table of mathematical symbols External links
* [http://www.clarku.edu/~djoyce/trig/ Dave's short trig course]
* [http://www.ping.be/~ping1339/gonio.htm An introduction to trigonometry]
* [http://catcode.com/trig/index.html Trigonometry FAQ]
* [http://www.pupress.princeton.edu/books/maor/ Trigonometric Delights] , by Eli Maor, Princeton University Press, 1998. Ebook version, in PDF format, full text presented.
* [http://baqaqi.chi.il.us/buecher/mathematics/trigonometry/index.html Trigonometry] by Alfred Monroe Kenyon and Louis Ingold, The Macmillan Company, 1914. In images, full text presented.
* [http://www.plainmath.net/index.php?page=trig Trigonometry on PlainMath.net] Trigonometry Articles from PlainMath.Net
* [http://www.mathwords.com/index_trig.htm Trigonometry on Mathwords.com] index of trigonometry entries on Mathwords.com
* [http://mathdl.maa.org/convergence/1/?pa=content&sa=viewDocument&nodeId=212&bodyId=81 Benjamin Banneker's Trigonometry Puzzle] at [http://mathdl.maa.org/convergence/1/ Convergence]
* [http://www.math10.com/en/algebra/sin-cos-tan-cot.html Trigonometry]
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