

name = Fredericia
native_name =
other_name =
other_name1 =
category = Town

image_size =
image_caption = The statue "Landsoldaten" ("The Foot Soldier") in Fredericia, Denmark.

flag_size =
symbol = Fredericias våben.png symbol_size =
symbol_type = Coat of arms
country = Denmark
state =
region = Region Syddanmark
district = Fredericia municipality
district_type = Municipality
part_type =
part_count =
part =
part1 =
area =
area_round =
location =
lat_d = 55 | lat_m = 35 | lat_s = | lat_NS = N
long_d= 9 | long_m= 46 | long_s= | long_EW = E
elevation =
population_as_of = 2008
population = 39,391
established_type = Founded
established = 1650
established1_type = Current municipality
established1 = 1970
mayor =
timezone = CET
utc_offset = +1
timezone_DST = CEST
utc_offset_DST = +2
postal_code = 7000
area_code =
area_code_type =
code2_type =
code2 =
free_type =
free =
free1_type =
free1 =

map_size =
map_caption =
map_locator = Denmark
map_locator_x =
map_locator_y =
website = []

Fredericia is a town located in Fredericia municipality in the eastern part of the Jutland peninsula in Denmark, in a sub-region known locally as "Trekanten", or "The Triangle". It was founded in 1650 by Frederick III, after whom it was named. Fredericia was almost selected as the Danish capital, due to its central location and large port; but in the end Copenhagen retained the title due to its massive population.Fact|date=February 2007

The city itself has 39,391 inhabitants and the Fredericia municipality has 49,463 inhabitants (2008).

The municipality is also a part of the East Jutland metropolitan area whit 1,2 mio inhabitants. [ [] ] .

The town is the site of Fredericia municipality's municipal council.

The town is one of Denmark's largest traffic hubs, and is home to the army's Signals Regiment ("Telegrafregimentet"), which is located at Rye's Barracks ("Ryes Kaserne") and Bülow's Barracks ("Bülows Kaserne").


After the devastation caused by the Thirty Years' War in a largely unfortified Jutland, King Christian IV realized the necessity of building a strong fortress in Jutland, and decided that this project could be combined with his plans for building a large town in Jutland.

A fortified encampment was built on a point of land called Lyngs Odde, near the current location of Fredericia, with a rampart stretching to either side of the point, thus protecting the encampment from attacks. However, the fortifications were not perfect, and when Swedish Field Marshal Lennart Torstenson invaded Jutland, he was able to break through the ramparts. It was Frederick III who was finally able to complete the plans for the fortification, also adding a flank fortification on nearby Bers Odde as suggested by Danish Imperial Marshal Anders Bille.

On December 15, 1650 the King signed the document giving the town its first privileges, and work on the new fortifications could begin. In 1651, the town was named Frederiksodde (Frederick's Point) after the king, and on April 22, 1664, it was given the newly Latinized name of Fredericia.

Every July 6 the town of Fredericia holds a festival to commemorate the 1849 Battle of Fredericia, fought during the First War of Schleswig, in which Danish troops won a victory over the Schleswig-Holstein rebels and Prussian troops who were laying siege to the town. Fredericia's landmark, "Landsoldaten", was unveiled July 6 1858. []

Fredericia (left center) is east of Kolding, southeast of Vejle on Jutland in Denmark.]

ee also

*Fredericia municipality


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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