Hospital Massacre

Hospital Massacre

name = Hospital Massacre |
| caption = Promotional Poster
imdb_id = 0082527
director = Boaz Davidson | writer = Marc Behm | starring = Barbi Benton
Charles Lucia
Jon Van Ness | producer = Yoram Globus
Menahem Golan
Christopher Pearce | released = April, 1982 | runtime = 89 min. | language = English | music = Arlon Ober |

"Hospital Massacre" is an obscure 1982 film directed by Boaz Davidson. The plot pits "Playboy" cover girl Barbi Benton against a sociopath that has been haunting her past for 19 years.

Plot summary

A girl named Susan Jeremy was adored by all the boys at her school. However, there was one boy, Harold, who took it way too far. He sent Susan love notes constantly, asking her to be his girlfriend. Finally, when he was turned down for another boy named David and mocked on Valentine's Day, Harold decides he's had enough. After breaking into Susan's house, he kills David by breaking his neck on a coat hanger and running away, laughing maniacally.

Now, 19 years later, Mrs. Jeremy (Barbi Benton) seems to have forgotten the murder and, more importantly, Harold. However, Harold hasn't forgotten about Susan. When Susan is sent to her local hospital for a "routine checkup", she discovers someone doesn't want her to leave. A masked killer disguised as a surgeon is stalking her and stabbing, strangling, or beating anyone that gets in his way. Who is this mysterious killer, and what does he want from Susan? She'll have to find out the hard way...

Cast list

*Barbi Benton - Susan Jeremy
*Jon Van Ness - Jack
*John Warner Williams - Dr. Saxon
*Den Surles - Dr. Beam
*Karen Smith - Kitty
*Billy Jayne - Young Harry
*Charles Lucia - Older Harry
*Guy Austin - Dr. Jacobs
*Michale Frost - Ned
*Mikael Romano - Young David

imilar films

imilar Dr. films

*"Dr. Giggles
*"The Dentist
*"The Ambulance
*"Horror Hospital
*"Doctor Gore
*"Blood Relations

imilar slasher films

*"Friday the 13th
*"Prom Night
*"The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
*"Silent Night, Deadly Night

ee also

*"My Bloody Valentine"

External links

*ymovies title|1800078066

* [ "Hospital Massacre" in New York Times Archives]


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