White-browed Bulbul

White-browed Bulbul

name = White-browed Bulbul

image_caption = at Sindhrot in Vadodara District of Gujarat, India.
status = LC | status_system = IUCN3.1
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Passeriformes
familia = Pycnonotidae
genus = "Pycnonotus"
species = "P. luteolus"
binomial = "Pycnonotus luteolus"
binomial_authority = (Lesson, 1841)
The White-browed Bulbul, " Pycnonotus luteolus", is a member of the bulbul family of passerine birds. It is resident breeder in Sri Lanka and the coasts of peninsular India.

This is a bird of dry scrub and woodland edges. It builds its nest in a tree; two eggs is a typical clutch.

The White-browed Bulbul is about 20cm (7 inches) in length, with a long tail. It has olive-grey upperparts and whitish underparts. This species is identified by the white supercilium, white crescent below the eye, and dark eyestripe and moustachial stripe. Sexes are similar in plumage. It is usually detected by the burst of song that it produces from the top of a bush and often dives into the bush becoming difficult to see. audio|PycnonotusLuteolus.ogg|Call recorded at Bangalore, India

White-browed Bulbuls feed on fruit, nectar and insects.


* Database entry includes justification for why this species is of least concern

* "Birds of India" by Grimmett, Inskipp and Inskipp, ISBN 0-691-04910-6

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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