Epicureanism — is a system of philosophy based upon the teachings of Epicurus ( c . 341 ndash; c . 270 BC), founded around 307 BC. Epicurus was an atomic materialist, following in the steps of Democritus. His materialism led him to a general attack on… … Wikipedia
Metrodorus of Lampsacus (the younger) — For other people of the same name, see Metrodorus (disambiguation). Metrodorus Hermes type bust (pillar with the top as a sculpted head) of Metrodorus leaned with his back against Epicurus, in the Louvre Full name Metrodorus Born 331/0 BC… … Wikipedia
Colotes — of Lampsacus (Greek: Κολώτης Λαμψακηνός, Kolōtēs Lampsakēnos; c. 320 after 268 BC[1]) was a pupil of Epicurus, and one of the most famous of his disciples. He wrote a work to prove That it is impossible even to live according to the doctrines of… … Wikipedia
Clinamen — (pronounced /klaɪˈneɪmɛn/, plural clinamina, derived from clīnāre, to incline) is the Latin name Lucretius gave to the unpredictable swerve of atoms, in order to defend the atomistic doctrine of Epicurus. According to Lucretius, the unpredictable … Wikipedia
Demetrius Lacon — or Demetrius of Laconia was an Epicurean philosopher of the late 2nd century BC, and a disciple of Protarchus.[1] He was an older contemporary of Zeno of Sidon and a teacher of Philodemus. Sextus Empiricus quotes part of a commentary by Demetrius … Wikipedia
Diogenes of Oenoanda — (or Oinoanda) was an Epicurean Greek from the 2nd century AD who carved a summary of the philosophy of Epicurus onto a portico wall in the ancient city of Oenoanda in Lycia (modern day southwest Turkey). The surviving fragments of the wall, which … Wikipedia
Dionysius of Lamptrai — Dionysius (3rd century BCE) of Lamptrai was an Epicurean philosopher, who succeeded Polystratus as the head (scholarch) of the Epicurean school at Athens c. 219 BC. He died c. 205 BC and was succeeded by Basilides.[1][2] Notes ^ Diogenes Laërtius … Wikipedia
Diogenes of Tarsus — For other uses, see Diogenes (disambiguation). Diogenes of Tarsus (2nd century BCE[1]) was an Epicurean philosopher, who is described by Strabo[2] as a person clever in composing improvised tragedies. He was the author of several works, which,… … Wikipedia
Epikūros — Epikūros, 1) Sohn des Neokles, aus Gargettos bei Athen, geb. 342 v. Chr.; hörte den Grammatiker Pamphylios u. studirte die Schriften des Demokritos u. gründete, nachdem er zu Mitylene u. seit 310 zu Lampsakos gelehrt hatte, 305 zu Athen eine… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Эпикур — Эпикур, Epikuros, 341 271 гг. до н. э., греческий философ. Сын Неокла и Харистраты, афинянин из округа Гардетос. Родился на острове Самос, где его отец поселился как один из двух тысяч афинских колонистов, посланных туда в 352 351 гг. до н. э.… … Античные писатели