Infobox Weapon|is_vehicle=yes

type=Armored personnel carrier
origin= Soviet Union
length=6.45 m
width=2.86 m
height=1.865 m
weight=11,900 kg
suspension=Torsion bar
speed=61 km/h (road)
30 km/h (off-road)
5 to 6 km/h (in the water)
vehicle_range=500 km (road range)
primary_armament =7.62mm PKT machine-gun
2,500 rounds
armour=14mm max.
engine=YaMZ 238, V-8 diesel
crew=2 (+ 11 passengers)
engine_power=240 hp at 2,100 rpm
pw_ratio= 20 hp/tonne

The MT-LB (многоцелевой тягач легко бронированный, mnogotselevoy tyagach lekhko bronirovannyi / multi-purpose light-armoured towing vehicle) is a Soviet multi-purpose fully-amphibious armoured personnel carrier which was first introduced in the 1970s. Initially the vehicle was known as M 1970 in the west.


In the 1970s the Soviet Central Auto and Tractor Directorate embarked on a development program to replace the AT-P series of artillery tractors (that where based on the ASU-57) with a new generation of vehicles. The MT-L was developed to meet this requirement based on the PT-76 chassis. The MT-LB is the armoured variant of the vehicle. Entering production in the early 1970s, it was cheap to build, being based on many existing components including the engine which is actually a truck engine. It was built at the Kharkov tractor plant in the USSR as well as Poland and Bulgaria.


The crew, a driver and a commander/gunner sit in a compartment at the front of the vehicle, with the engine behind them. A compartment at the rear enables up to 11 infantry to be carried or a cargo of up to 2,000 kg. A load of 6,500 kg can be towed. The vehicle is fully amphibious, being propelled by its tracks in the water.

A small turret at the front of the vehicle fits a 7.62 mm PKT machine gun with 360 degree manual traverse and an elevation of -5 to +30 degrees. The vehicle is lightly armoured against small arms and shell splinters with a thickness of 3 to 10 mm of steel. The infantry compartment has two hatches over the top, which open forwards. There are 4 firing ports - two in the both sides of the hull, the other two in the rear twin doors of the infantry compartment.

The driver is provided with a TVN-2 infra-red periscope, which in combination with the OU-3GK infra-red/white light search light provides a range of about 40 m. All vehicles include an NBC system.


former USSR (Russian Federation and Ukraine)

* MT-L
** MT-LB (izdeliye 6) - basic model, often used as simple APC but also as artillery tractor or ambulance. In the West the term MT-LB Blade or MT-LB M1980 is used for vehicles that are fitted with a hydraulic dozer blade.
*** MT-LBM (izdeliye 6M) - upgraded version, developed by Muromteplovoz in the 90's. Can be fitted with several different turrets:
**** MT-LBM (izdeliye 6MA) - with 14.5mm BTR-80 type turret.
**** MT-LBM (izdeliye 6MA1) - as MA but with additional AG-17 30mm.
**** MT-LBM (izdeliye 6MA2) - as MA but with KPVB 23mm instead of KPVT.
**** MT-LBM (izdeliye 6MA3) - with 4 ATGM "Kornet", PKTM and AG-30.
**** MT-LBM (izdeliye 6MA4) - as MA1 but with KPVB 23mm instead of KPVT.
**** MT-LBM (izdeliye 6MB) - with 30mm gun 2A72 and PKTM.
**** MT-LBM (izdeliye 6MB2) - with 2A42 30mm gun, PKTM and AG-17.
**** MT-LBM (izdeliye 6MB3) - with GSh-23V 23mm, AG-30 and "Kord" 12.7mm.
**** MT-LBM (izdeliye 6MB4) - with GSh-30K 30mm, AG-30 and "Kord" 12.7mm.
**** MT-LBM (izdeliye 6MB5) - twin gun 23 or 30mm, "Igla" SAM and improved sights.
*** MT-LBM1 (izdeliye 6M1) - same as above but additionally fitted with 300-310 hp engine.
*** MT-LBM2 - upgrade package from Kurganmashzavod with new engine and transmission, improved suspension, BMP style side skirts etc. Prototype.
*** MT-LBV ("vezdekhodnyj") - low pressure track version, with 565 mm tracks giving a ground pressure of 0.27 kgf/cm² (26 kPa). Used in Arctic regions instead of BMP or BTR wheeled vehicles.
**** MT-LBVM - with NSVT 12.7mm instead of the original 7.62mm machine gun turret.
**** MT-LBV-N
**** MT-LBV-NS
*** MTP-LB - technical support version with no turret, an A frame and stowage on the roof.
*** SNAR-10 "Jaguar" ("stantsiya nazemnoy artilleriskoy razvedki") - with 1RL-127 ("BIG FRED") artillery/mortar locating radar in a big rotating turret. Range: 16 km. Old NATO designators are MT-LB M1975 and MT-LB SON.
**** SNAR-10M "Pantera" - upgraded, automated system with a range of 40 km.
*** 9A34 - launch vehicle of the 9K35 "Strela-10" (SA-13 Gopher) system.
*** 9A35 - as per 9A34 but additionally with passive detection system.
*** 9P149 "Shturm-S" - anti-tank version with retractable launcher for AT-6 Spiral ATGM. The vehicles carries 12 missiles on board and entered service in 1979. It has a crew of 2.
*** RKhM "Kashalot" ("razvedivatelnaya khimicheskaya mashina") - chemical reconnaissance vehicle with detection, marking and alarm devices. This model has the hull shape and single rear door of the 2S1. Former Western designator: ATV M1979/4.
**** RKhM-K - command version with additional signal equipment but without sensors or markers.
*** RPM ("radiatsionno-poiskovaya mashina") - radiological reconnaissance vehicle with a single KZO-2 flag dispenser and equipped with radiation detection devices NGP-81 (gamma), KDN-2 (neutrons), KRB-1 (beta), KRA-1 (alpha).
*** K-611 - radiological reconnaissance vehicle.
*** K-612 - radiological reconnaissance vehicle.
*** AZM "Vostorg-1" ("aviatransportabelnaya zemlerojnaya mashina") - engineer vehicle, equipped with an hydraulic dozer blade and an extendable hydraulic arm with a bucket.
** MT-LBu - variant with bigger hull and longer chassis. Many so-called "MT-LB variants" are in fact based on the MT-LBu.
**UR-77 Meteorit Mineclearing System (rocket launched explosive hose)
** 2S1 122mm self-propelled howitzer.


Polish HSW (Huta Stalowa Wola) has a licence to produce MT-LB.
* MT-LB - basic APC variant. Some have been fitted with an additional cupola with DShK-M.
** WPT-MORS ("wóz pomocy technicznej") - technical support vehicle.
** WEM "Lotos" - medical evacuation vehicle with 4 stretchers.
** R-137T ("radiostacja ruchoma UKF") - signals vehicle with VHF radioset R-137. Entered service in 1987 and has a range of 70 to 150 km.
*** ZWD-1 "Irys" ("zautomatyzowany wóz dowodzenia") - command vehicle, belongs to the automated command set "Irys".
** MT-LB-23MKrak or "Promet" - air defence variant with 23mm guns. Prototype.
** "Przebiśnieg" - electronic warfare system, consists of three different vehicles:
*** SZ or MT-LB Z ("stacja zakłóceń") - Comint vehicle;
*** SR or MT-LB R ("stacja rozpoznania") - EW vehicle;
*** WD krel - command post vehicle ("wóz dowodzenia kompanii radioelektronicznej").
** "Opal-I" - much modified version of the MT-LB with reworked nose section, hydrojets, a new turret with NSWT-12.7 "Utios" and a 245hp (180 kW) turbocharched diesel engine SW680/167/1. [ [ MILITARIUM - Lekki samobieżny zestaw przeciwlotniczy Sopel/Stalagmit ] ]
*** LSPZRA "Sopel" ("lekki samobieżny zestaw przeciwlotniczy") - air defence variant with a turret with two 23mm guns and 2 SAM's 9M32M "Strela-2M". Prototype.
*** WPT/DTP "Mors" ("wóz pogotowia technicznego") - technical support vehicle with light crane, hydraulic dozerblade, welding equipment and an NBC detection system.
*** "Bor" - ammunition re-supply vehicle for artillery units.
*** TRI "Hors" ("transporter rozpoznania inżynieryjnego") - transport vehicle for combat engineers.
**** TRI-D "Durian" - with trailer-mouned UZR-3 mine clearing system.
*** ZWD-10R "Łowcza" ("zautomatyzowany wóz dowodzenia") - command vehicle with higher troop compartment for air defence units. Also known as LA-3.
** "Opal-II" - as per "Opal-I" but with a 300 hp (220 kW) engine SW680T (YaMZ-238N) and a longer chassis with 7 road wheels on each side, like the 2S1 and MT-LBu. [ [ MILITARIUM - Lekki samobieżny zestaw przeciwlotniczy Sopel/Stalagmit ] ]
*** LSPZRA "Stalagmit" ("lekki samobieżny zestaw przeciwlotniczy") - more sophisticated air defence variant with a turret from ELOP with two 23mm guns Model 4216 and 4 "Grom" SAM's. Prototype.
*** ISM "Kroton" ("inzynieryjny system minowania") - engineer vehicle with mine-scattering system UMN mounted on a cargo bed. UMN consists of 4 launchers, each with 20 launch containers for anti-personnel or anti-tank mines. The ISM has a crew of 2 and a combat weight of 15.25 tonnes. It entered service in 2004.
*** BWO-40 - infantry fighting vehicle with 40mm gun. A similar turret was mounted on the BWP-40 (BMP-1 upgrade). Prototype.
* 2S1 "Goździk" - 122mm self-propelled howitzer (also licensed)


* MT-LB AT-I - tractor for mine-laying systems. Fitted with racks for anti-tank mines.
* MT-LB RHR or MR HR ("mashina za radiatsionno i khimichesko razuznavane") - NBC reconnaissance vehicle with detection, alarming, sampling and markings devices.
* MT-LB SE - ambulance.
* SMM B1.10 "Tundzha" ("samokhodna minokhvrgachka") - mortar platform with M-38/43 120mm mortar and 58 rounds.
** SMM 74 B1.10 "Tundzha-Sani" - improved version with 2B11 mortar.
* KShM-R-81 "Delfin" - command and staff vehicle with R-123M, R-130M and R-31M radios, an AZI frame antenna, a generator and an additional cupola on the hull roof.
* MT-LB TMX - mortar carrier with 82mm mortar M-37M.
* BRMSova ("bronirana razuznavatelna mashina") - reconnaissance version with NBC detection system ASP-3 and VPHR, radiosets R-123M and R-31M, PAB-2 aiming circle and NSPU night vision device. Comes in three versions with additional specialised equipment:
** "Sova-1" - with R-130M radioset, an AZI frame antenna and a telescopic mast.
** "Sova-2" - with R-143 "Lira" radioset.
** "Sova-3" - with PSNR-5K (1RL-133) battlefield surveillance radar.
* R-80 - artillery forward observer vehicle with observation devices.
* BMP-23 ("bojna mashina na pekhotata") - infantry fighting vehicle with 23mm gun 2A14 and ATGM 9K11 "Malyutka" in a 2-man turret. The chassis is based on the one from the MT-LB but with components of the 2S1 and fitted with a 315hp engine.
** BMP-23D - improved version with 9K111 "Fagot" and smoke grenade launchers.
** BRM-23 - reconnaissance version. Prototype.
* BMP-30 - similar chassis as the BMP-23 but with the complete turret of the Soviet-made BMP-2. Only 10 built.


[Gau L-R., Plate J., Siegert J. (2001) "Deutsche Militärfahrzeuge - Bundeswehr und NVA". Motorbuch Verlag. ISBN 3-613-02152-8]
* MT-LB (Pi) - combat engineer vehicle.
* MT-LB (Pzj) - version for anti tank units.
* MT-LB (Pzj ) - command vehicle for anti tank units.
* MT-LB (BO) SFL - battery command vehicle in self propelled artillery units.
* SaN MT-LB - ambulance
* MTP-LB - technical support vehicle.


* Pbv 401 ("pansarbandvagn") - modified former East-German vehicle with 7.62mm machine guns Ksp 95 and Ksp 58.
** Stripbv 4011 ("stridsledningbandvagn") - battalion command post.
** Bgbv 4012 ("bärgningsbandvagn") - Swedish designator for the MTP-LB.
** Rlpbv 4014/T ("radiolänkbandvagn") - signals vehicle.
** Stripbv 4015 ("stridsledningbandvagn") - company level command post.
** Lvrbpbv 4016 ("luftvärnsrobotbandvagn") - unconfirmed designator for vehicles, equipped with RBS 70.
** Pvrbbv 452 ("pansarvärnrobotbandvagn") - with RBS 56 BILL 1 Anti-tank guided weapon.


*ARM - 75
*AZE - 196
*BAN - 80+ (Captured during Op. Desert Storm & are ex-Iraqi and after that many were bought)) [ [ Log In ] ]
*BLR - 66 [ [ Belarus Army Equipment ] ]
*BUL - 600
*CZE - Only Strela-10
*FIN - 98 MT-LBV
*GEO - 80
*flagicon|KurdistanIRQ (The new Iraqi Army , Kurdish Peshmerga) - 61
*HUN - few
*KAZ - 200
*LTU - 10
*MKD - 10
*MDA - 62
*NIG - 67
*POL - 352 [ [ MILITARIUM - Wojsko Polskie - Uzbrojenie ] ]
*RUS - 4,800 [ [ Russian Army Equipment ] ]
*SRB - Only MT-LBu variants and 13 9K35 "Strela-10".
*SWE - 460 (Called Pbv 401, former East German, bought 1993)
*UKR - 2,090 [ [ Ground Forces Equipment - Ukraine ] ]
*USA - unknown []

Former Operators

*DDR - 721 Bulgarian-made MT-LB's, 32 SNAR-10 and 36 Strela-10M. Passed on to the successor state.
*USSR - Passed on to successor states.
*FRG/GER - taken from GDR's army, all scrapped or sold to other countries.
*YUG - SNAR-10 and Strela-10. Passed on to successor states.


In January 2006 Bob Woodruff was injured when an explosive device damaged the MT-LB he was riding in.

ee also

*BTR-50 - a similar vehicle based on PT-76 light tank
*BMP-1 and 2 and BMP-3
* List of AFVs


* Hull, A.W. , Markov, D.R. , Zaloga, S.J. (1999) "Soviet/Russian Armor and Artillery Design Practices 1945 to Present". Darlington Productions. ISBN 1-892848-01-5.

External links

* [ Huta Stalowa Wola - producer of MT-LB]
* [ Russia upgrades firepower for MT-LB] Jane's, 26 September 2006

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