Emil Petrovici

Emil Petrovici

Emil Petrovici (1899-1958) was a Romanian linguist, who studied both Romanian and the Slavic languages. His studies included Romanian phonetics, phonology, and Romanian and Slavic dialectology.

He was born in a village—variously known as Begheiţi, Begejci, Kiss Torac, or Toracul Mic—in Voivodina (now a northern province of Serbia).

Among his many books were:

*"Despre nazalitate în limba română" ("On nasalization in the Romanian language")
*"Graiul caraşovenilor" ("Language of Krashovani")
*"Folclor din Valea Almajului" ("Folklore from the Almajului Valley", 1935)
*"Folclor de la moţii din Scărişoara" ("Folklore of the Moţii of Scărişoara", 1939)
*"Note de folclor de la românii din Valea Mlavei" ("Notes on the folklore of the Romanians of the Mlava Valley", 1942)
* "Texte dialectale" ("Dialect Texts", Leipzig, 1943)
* Co-author of "Atlasul lingvistic român" ("Romanian Linguistic Atlas")

From 1949 to 1954, Petrovici worked on literary and cultural problems of Transylvania and collaborated on several journals published in Cluj-Napoca. He was honored with membership in several scientific academies and societies, and was honored with various titles such as "Om de ştiinţă emerit" ("Emeritus scientist") and "Premiul de stat" ("The State Prize").

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