1831 Egyptian–Ottoman War

1831 Egyptian–Ottoman War

Infobox Military Conflict
conflict=1831 Egyptian-Ottoman War
place=Syria to Adana
casus=Muhammad Ali thought he was strong enough to take on the sultan
result=Muhammad Ali's forces gain him control of Syria to as far north as Adana.
combatant2=flagcountry|Ottoman Empire
commander1=Muhammad Ali
Ibrahim Pasha
commander2=Mahmud II
Reşid Mehmed Pasha

The 1831 Egyptian-Ottoman War was fought from 1831 to 1833. Muhammad Ali's forces temporarily gained control of Syria, and advanced as far north as Adana.


The Greek War of Independence was a prelude to the conflict in which, the state of Egypt, nominally under Ottoman control was requested to send naval ships to aid the fledgling Ottoman fleets. The Ottoman and Egyptian ships were Subsequently defeated at the battle of Navarino by an Anglo-French fleet. The Ottomans were also defeated two years later by the Russians in 1829. Once more, Muhammad Ali was not given the promised reward for the aid he had given to Turkey during the war.

Invasion of Syria

Outraged, he sent his army into Syria under the command of his son Ibrahim Pasha, and advanced deep into the Anatolian peninsula. The Ottomans were easily defeated at the Battle of Konya and Constantinople was threatened, fortunately for them military assistance was received from Nicholas I of Russia.

Foreign Pressure

The Egyptians were eventually forced to call off the invasion because of British and French Pressure. Although they initially backed the Pasha, they threatened military action against him if he did not halt his advance. They feared that if the Egyptians were to continue advancing, an already severely weakened Ottoman Empire, would collapse and leave a power vacuum, in which Russia could possibly take advantage of.

Treaty of Hünkâr İskelesi

The war ended in 1833, and Egypt was left in control of Syria and much of Arabia. The Ottomans that same year signed the Treaty of Hünkâr İskelesi in which both countries agreed to mutual assistance should either empire enter a military conflict.

ee also

*Greek War of Independence
*The Great Game
*Battle of Navarino


* [http://countrystudies.us/turkey/10.htm (External Threats and Internal Transformations)]
* [http://www.principlesofwar.com/scenarios/19thc/balkans/Ottoman%20Army.htm (The Ottoman Army of the Greek War of Independence)]
* [http://www.nmhschool.org/tthornton/mehistorydatabase/safavid_and_ottoman_eras.php#muh_ali_declares%20indepdendence1838 (History of the Middle East Database)]
* [http://www.bartleby.com/67/1328.html (The Middle East and Egypt, 1796–1914)]

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