DDT (zine)

DDT (zine)

DDT (sometimes published as Dada Tennis, or Da-da Tennis) was a magazine of bizarre free-surrealist writings and graphics, which were chiefly created by its editor, Bill Paulauskas, who died in 2006. It was published by Paulauskas' Dream State Press, which he operated in New York City.

Its publication history is long and complex; it first grew out of freewheeling interactions on a computer bulletin-board site (BBS) called The Enterprise, in the late 1980s, then moved to Paulauskas' own Dreamworld BBS, before starting to appear in print form.

The magazine continued to exist in print form, on an erratic schedule; it also (for a few years in the early 1990s) was a multimedia computer disc designed for use in the Amiga computer. During its computer-disc phase the magazine was sometimes co-edited by the novelists James Chapman and Randie Lipkin, who were also contributors. Some of the work done at this time was later adapted theatrically by the DADAnewyork theatre troupe founded by the late John W. Wilson (an original Joffrey Ballet member and Dada scholar); these pieces were performed internationally to considerable confusion.

Along with text and graphics, Paulauskas also created an audio adjunct to his zine, Krelltone Records, a project of his Lost in Wallpaper Collective, which featured recordings of Paulauskas' strange poetry and found sounds from throughout all recorded history, collaged together to hilarious and disturbing effect. He was also a filmmaker, and the final issue of DDT (published in 2005) appeared on DVD.

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