George Murray Levick

George Murray Levick

George Murray Levick (1877-1956), founder of the British Schools Exploring Society.

After a short medical career, Murray Levick joined the Royal Navy in 1910 but was quickly given leave of absence to accompany Captain Scott on his ill-fated 'Terra Nova' Expedition. Part of the Northern Party, Murray Levick was forced to overwinter on Inexpressible Island in a cramped ice cave with five other members of the expedition.

On his return he served in the Grand Fleet and at Gallipoli in the 1914-18 War. After his retirement from the Royal Navy he pioneered the training of blind people in physiotherapy against much oppostion. In 1932 he founded the British Schools Exploring Society, of which he remained President until his death in June 1956. The work of the society was to take young men on expeditions to remote and unknown parts of the world.

At the time of his death, Major D. Glyn Owen, Chairman of the British Schools Exploring Society wrote:cquote|A truly great Englishman has passed rom our midst, but the memory of his nobleness of character and our pride in his achievements cannot pass from us. Have been on Scott's last Antarctic Expedition, Murray Levick was later to resolve that exploring facilities for youth should be created under as rigorous conditions as could be made available. With his usual untiring energy and purposefulness he turned this concept into reality when he founded the Public Schools Exploring Society in 1932, later to become the British Schools Exploring Society, drawing schoolboys of between 16 and 18 1/2 years to partake in annual expeditions abroad into wild and trackless country.

Murray Levick led a very full life of service to the community in many spheres which likewise enriches his memory, though modestly we of the society like to feel that his heart was surrendered to our activities, and we shall indeed miss his presence as we move into our Jubilee Year next year."


* British Schools Exploring Society Annual Report 1956He was born in Nottingham

ee also

* BSES Expeditions

External links

* [ BSES Expeditions - about us : our aims - The British Schools Exploring Society, a polar,jungle,mountain gap years for young people. ] at

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