- Theaceae
image_caption =Tea "Camellia sinensis"
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis =Magnoliopsida
ordo =Ericales
familia = Theaceae
familia_authority = D.Don
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision = "Apterosperma " "Camellia " "Dankia " "Franklinia " "Gordonia " "Laplacea " "Polyspora " "Pyrenaria " "Schima " "Stewartia " "Tutcheria "The Theaceae is a
family offlowering plant s, composed of shrubs and trees. The Theaceae is part of orderEricales , in the branch of thedicot s known as the Asterids. Some botanists include the familyTernstroemiaceae within the TheaceaeRoyal Botanic Gardens, Kew. "Vascular Plant Families and Genera": [http://www.rbgkew.org.uk/cgi-bin/web.dbs/genlist.pl?THEACEAE Theaceae] ] while others do not.Watson, L., & Dallwitz, M. J. (1992 onwards). "The families of flowering plants". [http://delta-intkey.com/angio/www/theaceae.htm Theaceae] ] Theaceae can be described as having anywhere from 7-40 genera, depending on the source and the method of circumscription used.Family Characteristics
Plants in this family are characterized by simple leaves that are alternate spiral to distichial, serrated, and usually glossy. Most of the genera have
evergreen foliage, but "Stewartia" and "Franklinia" aredeciduous . The toothed margins are generally associated with a characteristic Theoid leaf tooth, which is crowned by a glandular, deciduous tip. [Stevens, P.F. 2003. Clusiaceae. In: Kubitzki, K. (Eds.), The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants. Springer, Hamburg, Germany] The flowers in this family are usually pink or white and large and showy, often with a strong scent. [Luna I, Ochoterena H (2004) ‘Phylogenetic relationships of the genera of Theaceae based on morphology.’ Cladistics Vol. 20 223-270] The calyx consists of five or more sepals, which are often persistent in the fruiting stage, and the corolla is five-merous, rarely numerous. Plants in Theaceae are multistaminate, usually with 20-100+ stamen either free or adnate to the base of the corolla, and are also distinctive because of the presence of pseudopollen. The pseudopollen is produced from connective cells, and has either rib-like or circular thickenings. The ovary is often hairy and narrows gradually into the style, which may be branched or cleft. The carpels are typically opposite from the petals, or the sepals in the case of "Camellia". The fruits are loculicidal capsules, indehiscent baccate fruits or sometimes pomes. The seeds are few and sometimes winged, or in some generas covered by fleshy tissue or unwinged and nude. 3,4Chemistry
There is distinctive chemistry within the Theaceae family. Sometimes, single crystals of calcium oxalate are present in Theaceous plants. Ellagic acid and common polyphenols including flavonols, flavones and proanthocyanins are widely distributed throughout the family. Gallic acid and catechins only occur in "Camellia" sect. "Thea (C. sinensis, C. taliensis" and "C. irrawadiensis". Caffeine and its precursors theobromine and theophylline are only found in sect. "Thea" and are not found in other species of "Camellia" or other Theaceae. Caffeine content in the tea bush makes up 2.5-4% of the leave's dry weight, and this high content of catechins and caffeine in the tea bush is the result of selection by man for these characters. Triterpenes and their glycosides (saponins) are found widely throughout the family in the seeds, leaves, wood and bark. Plants in this family are also known to accumulate aluminum and fluoride.3
Eleven genera are found only in eastern Asia
Asia (Malesia north toJapan ), with several genera inSouth America andCentral America . Three genera are found only in Africa, and 2 genera are only found in the Neotropics.4 Three genera ("Franklinia ", "Gordonia " and "Stewartia ") also have species native to the southeasternUnited States , with "Franklinia" being endemic there, and under recent interpretations, also "Gordonia" with the Asian species formerly included in that genus being transferred to "Polyspora "."Flora of China" [http://web.archive.org/web/20040814114055/http://flora.huh.harvard.edu/china/mss/volume12/Theaceae-CAS_edited.htm Theaceae (draft)] "] There are five genera with very restricted distributions. These include "Apterosperma" and "Euryodendron" found in Southern China, "Archboldiodendron" found in New Guinea, "Dankia" found in Vietnam, and "Visnea" in the Canary Islands. 4Economic Importance
The best known
genus is "Camellia ", which includes the plant whose leaves are used to producetea ("Camellia sinensis"). In parts of Asia, other species are used as a beverage, including "C. taliensis, C. gradnibractiata, C. kwangsiensis, C. gymnogyna, C. crassicolumna, C. tachangensis, C. ptilophyllaand", and "C. irrawadiensis". [Chang, H.T., Bartholomew, R.C. 1984. Camellias. Timber Press, Portland, OR] Severalspecies grown widely as ornamentals for their flowers and handsome foliage.External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.