Grande synagogue de Varsovie (1878-1943) — Photo de la Grande synagogue de Varsovie La grande synagogue de Varsovie, aujourd hui disparue, était la plus grande synagogue de Varsovie. Située 7 place Tłomackie, elle était considérée comme le symbole de la communauté juive progressiste de… … Wikipédia en Français
Gershon Sirota — Gershon Itskhok Sirota (1874, Podolskaya gubernya 1943 Warsaw) was one of the leading cantors of Europe during the Golden Age of Hazzanut (cantorial music), sometimes referred to as the Jewish Caruso. Sirota began his cantorial career in Odessa,… … Wikipedia
Шор, Мойше — В Википедии есть статьи о других людях с такой фамилией, см. Шор. Мойше Шор польск. Mojżesz Schorr Дата рождения: 10 мая … Википедия
Большая синагога (Варшава) — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Большая синагога. Достопримечательность Большая хоральная синагога … Википедия
Military history of the Warsaw Uprising — Warsaw Uprising Prelude Military description Military units involved Lack of outside support Capitulation Aftermath Planned destruction of Warsaw People … Wikipedia
Warsaw Uprising (1794) — Infobox Military Conflict conflict=Warsaw Uprising of 1794 partof=the Kościuszko Uprising caption=Fighting on Krakowskie Przedmieście by Juliusz Kossak date=April 17 to April 19, 1794 place=Warsaw, Poland territory= result=Polish victory… … Wikipedia
Great Synagogue (Warsaw) — Infobox religious building building name=Great Synagogue of Warsaw Wielka Synagoga w Warszawie caption=Model of the synagogue location=Warsaw, Poland geo= religious affiliation=Reform Judaism district= status=Destroyed May 16, 1943 leadership=… … Wikipedia
Moses Schorr — Moses Schorr, ca. 1921 Born May 10, 1874(1874 05 10) Przemyśl, Galicia Died July 8, 1942( … Wikipedia
Samuel Abraham Poznański — or Shemuel Avraham Poznanski (Lubraniec, 3 September 1864–1921) was a Polish Reform rabbi and scholar, known for his studies of Karaism and the Hebrew calendar.He graduated from the gymnasium of Warsaw and studied at Warsaw University and the… … Wikipedia
Moshe Koussevitzky — (Hebrew: משה קוסביצקי, Polish: Mosze Kusewicki; Jun 9, 1899, Smarhoń August 23, 1966, New York) was a cantor and vocalist. A relative of noted conductor Sergei Koussevitzky, he made many recordings in Poland and the United States.[1][2] Born… … Wikipedia