Samuel Abraham Poznański

Samuel Abraham Poznański

Samuel Abraham Poznański or Shemuel Avraham Poznanski (Lubraniec, 3 September 1864–­1921) was a Polish Reform rabbi and scholar, known for his studies of Karaism and the Hebrew calendar.

He graduated from the gymnasium of Warsaw and studied at Warsaw University and the Hochschule für die Wissenschaft des Judenthums in Berlin. [ [,_SAMUEL_(Jewish_Encyclopedia) Samuel Poznanski] (Jewish Encyclopedia, 1906)] He was appointed a member of the Warsaw council of rabbis by a committee of the Great Synagogue on Tłomackie Street, Warsaw just before his death where he preached. Orthodox Jews opposed his appointment and even resorted to street demonstrations. [Édité par le comité de la Grande Synagogue à Varsovie. [ "Livre d'Hommage à la mémoire du Dr Samuel Poznanski (1864-1921) offert par les amis et les compagnons du travail scientifique" (Book of Tribute to the Memory of Dr. Samuel Poznanski (1864-1921) offered by his friends and companions in scientific work)] . Warsaw 1927, rep. Jerusalem 1969.] [R. Zebrowski, [ "Modernization or an attempt to divide the community? Battle for the appointment of a progressive rabbi in Warsaw"] (abstract)] He was succeeded at the Great Synagogue by Moses Schorr in 1923.


External links

* [ Important Persons in Karaim History]
*Solomon Schechter. [ "Letters to Samuel Poznanski"] (in Hebrew, 1943).

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