Yekaterinoslav Governorate

Yekaterinoslav Governorate

The Yekaterinoslav Governorate ( _ru. Екатеринославская губернiя; translit.: "Yekaterinoslavskaya guberniya") or Government of Yekaterinoslav was a governorate in the Russian Empire. Its capital was the city of Yekaterinoslav (modern Dnipropetrovsk).

Administrative divisions

In 1764, the Novorossiya guberniya had been created to administer much of the southern steppe after first partition of Poland, and the removal of the Zaporozhian Host and integrating it into Russia proper. The governorate was replaced by the "Yekaterinoslav Vicegerency" in 1783 but was again reinstated in 1796. In 1802, its territory was divided among the newly created Nikolayev Governorate ("from 1803 Kherson Governorate"), Taurida Governorate, and Yekaterinoslav Governorate. The newly created Yekaterinoslav Governorate consisted was subdivided into the following uyezds:
* Yekaterinoslav (Екатеринославъ)
* Verkhnodneprovsk (Верходнѣпровскъ)
* Bakhmut (Бахмутъ)
* Novomoskovsk (Новомосковскъ)
* Aleksandrovsk (Александровскъ)
* Pavlograd (Павлоградъ)
* Slavyanoserbsk (Славяносербскъ)
* Rostov-na-Donu (Ростовъ-на-Дону)

In 1874, the Mariupol (Марiуполь) uyezd was split off the Aleksanrovsk one, and in 1887, the Rostov-na-Donu uyezd was transferred to the Oblast of the Don Host. In the course of the Russian Civil War the governorate was further divided and parts of its territory formed the briefly existing Aleksandrovsk (renamed Zaporozhye), Kremenchug and Donetsk governorates in 1920.

In 1923, the governorate of administration was terminated, and its territory, 76,912 km², was divided among seven okrugs: Yekaterinoslav, Aleksandrovsk, Berdyansk, Zaporozhye, Krivoy Rog, Melitopol, and Pavlograd. This eventually was condensed into the Oblast divisions, and the territory of the modern Dnipropetrovsk Oblast and the bulk of Zaporizhzhia Oblast correspond to the historical subdivision, as well as parts of the Luhansk Oblast including its present administrative centre - Luhansk.


The governorate's population, a majority of peasants, was 662,000 in 1811, 902,400 in 1851, 1,204,800 in 1863, and 1,792,800 in 1885. From the second half of the 19th century, the governorate was the coal-mining and metallurgical center of the then "Ukraine", incorporating the Dnieper Industrial Region and the Donbass ("Donets Basin").

Its population increased to 2,113,700 by 1897. The nationalities within the governorate were: Russians (then divided into archaic categorisation of Little Russian speakers - "69.5 %" and Great Russian speakers - "18.2 %"), Jews ("4.2 %"), Germans ("4 %"), Greeks ("2.3 %"), and Tatars ("1.1 %"). In 1924, the governorate had 3,424,100 ("13.6 % urban") inhabitants, living in 5,165 settlements, 36 of them being cities and urban-type settlements. At that time about half of the inhabitants were non-Ukrainian, and the largest social class was that of workers ("about 25 %").

"See also: Jewish agricultural colonies in the Russian Empire".

External links

* [ Yekaterinoslav Guberniya] - Historical coat of arms uk icon/en icon
* [ Katerinoslav gubernia] - Article in the [ Encyclopedia of Ukraine]

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