

official_name = Terroso
image_coat_of_arms = Brasao_PVZ_-_terroso.jpg
Municipality = Póvoa de Varzim
area_total = 4.63
population_total = 2,472 (2001)
population_density = 533.9
website = none
footnotes =

Terroso is a Portuguese parish located in the municipality of Póvoa de Varzim. In the census of 2001, it had a population of 2,472 inhabitants and a total area of 4.63 Km².

Terroso derives from the Latin "Terrosu" meaning full of soil as a reference to Cividade or Cividade Hill.


Cividade de Terroso, an ancient Castro city established around 900 and 800 BC is located in the parish of Terroso. But the parish has been shaped by man since much earlier times. Tumuli are known to exist in the area: such as in "Leira da Anta" and "Cortinha da Fonte da Mama", one of which: "Mamoa de Sejães" still exists unbroken after thousands of years.

The earliest reference to Terroso dates from 953: "subtus montis Terroso", referring to its hill.

The remains of a castle tower built in the 13th and 14th centuries can still be found in the Hamlet of Paço.

The Parish Church was built in the first half of the 16th century. It was erected under the orders of King D. Manuel I. It went through several alterations over the centuries that have changed the original design. The latest involved the building of a second tower with a small carillon. The best piece is a 16th century Statue of the Virgin with legendary origins, probably an Italian work.

A Chapel dedicated to Saint Savior (São Salvador) was built in the Hamlet that took its name. It contains a proto- baroque altar with a painting depicting the miracle of the Battle of Ourique. Also from the 17th century there is a small structure that marks the beginning of the aqueduct. It has 4 columns of the Tuscan order holding a small tile roof. It houses a polychromous statue of St Anthony.

The Hamlet of Santo António takes its name from a large baroque Chapel dedicated to St. Anthony. The interior of the chapel has some good quality golden gilded carved wood altars.

It was under the administration of Barcelos city council, until it was transferred to the municipality of Póvoa de Varzim in 1836.


Terroso is located 5 km north of downtown Póvoa de Varzim; and is bordered by Navais and Estela to the nort; Laundos and the municipality of Vila do Conde to the east; Amorim to the west and Beiriz to the south. Most of the parish is crowned by Cividade Hill and it extends to São Lourenço plain.

Cividade Hill was known by its pure waters, thus an aqueduct was raised in the 17th century, taking its waters to Santa Clara Convent in Vila do Conde.


The parish is divided into 15 hamlets:
*São Lourenço
*Santo António
*São Pedro
*São Salvador
*Pé do Monte

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