- Executive Outcomes
Executive Outcomes was a
private military company founded inSouth Africa by formerLieutenant-Colonel of theSouth African Defence Force Eeben Barlow in 1989. It was controlled by the South Africa-basedholding company Strategic Resource Corporation. [http://www.caat.org.uk/publications/government/mercenaries-1999.php The Privatisation of Violence: New mercenaries and the state] Christopher Wrigley CAAT March 1999]Executive Outcomes provided military personnel, training and logistical support to officially recognized governments only. They were however often accused of providing the military strength for
corporations to controlnatural resources infailed states or conflict-ridden areas, because these governments mostly paid for their services with mining concessions. [cite news
last =LoBaido
first = Anthony C.
title = EO: A New Kind of Army for Privatized Global Warfare
work =WorldNetDaily
pages =
language =
publisher =
date =1998-08-11
url =http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=16671
accessdate = ]History
Mission statement
In 1989, following the conclusion of
South African Border War s inAngola andNamibia , theapartheid regime in South Africa was beginning to dissolve. TheSouth African Defence Force was looking at broad cuts in its personnel.African National Congress leaderNelson Mandela demanded that then South African PresidentFrederik Willem de Klerk dismantle some of the South African and South-West African Special Forces units such as 32 Battalion,Koevoet and the Reconnaissance Regiments. One of these was theCivil Cooperation Bureau (CCB), a unit that carried out covert assassinations of government opponents, and worked to bypass theUnited Nations apartheid sanctions by setting up overseasfront companies .Only Koevoet — being part of the
South West African Police (SWAPOL) — was disbanded as part of independence negotiations forSouth-West Africa (nowNamibia ). Many members of the other units, or simply former national servicemen, were recruited by Executive Outcomes (EO).Formation
Eeben Barlow, formerly in charge of the Western European section of the CCB, [ [http://www.galago.co.za/CAT1_025.htm Eeben Barlow's autobiography: Executive Outcomes - "Against all Odds"] ] became the first leader of Executive Outcomes, and the company went on to recruit many of its personnel from these units. Within a short period, EO could boast of having 500 military advisers and over 3000 highly-trained military personnel at its disposal. Through the CCB, Barlow gained extensive corporate connections, among which were
Tony Buckingham andSimon Mann who helped set up the company. In 1993, the three registered Executive Outcomes in theUnited Kingdom .Activities
Executive Outcomes fought on behalf of the
Angola n government againstUNITA after a 1994 peace settlement broke down. In March 1995, it contained an insurrection of guerrillas known as theRevolutionary United Front (RUF) inSierra Leone , regained control of the diamond fields, and forced a negotiated peace. In both these instances they are credited with rescuing the legitimate government in both countries from destabilizing forces. In the case of Angola this led to a cease fire and theLusaka Protocol , which ended the Angolan civil war — albeit only for a few years.Citation
title =Conflict, Inc.: Selling the Art of War
date=December 7 1997
year =1997
publisher =Center for Defense Information
url = http://www.cdi.org/adm/1113/transcript.html] As is characteristic of one of the first Private Military Companies (PMCs), Executive Outcomes was directly involved militarily in Angola and Sierra Leone. The company was notable in its ability to provide all aspects of a highly-trained modern army to the less professional government forces of Sierra Leone and Angola. For instance, in Sierra Leone, Executive Outcomes fielded not only professional fighting men, but armor and support aircraft such as the Mi-24 Hind and Mi-8 Hip helicopters, and the BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicle. It also possessed medevac capabilities for the wounded to airlift out of combat zones via Boeing 707 aircraft. These were bought from lucrative sources in the worldwide arms trade within Africa as well as Eastern Europe. Citation [Venter, Al. War Dog: Fighting Other People's Wars - The Modern Mercenary in Combat] ] .Executive Outcomes hadcontract s withtransnational corporation s such asDe Beers , Chevron,Rio Tinto Zinc andTexaco . The governments ofAngola , Sierra Leone, andIndonesia were also clients.The South African intelligence services started to defame Executive Outcomes for a long period. Although Executive Outcomes was highly regarded in the military world, allegations that Executive Outcomes was paid in diamonds and oil- and mineral concessions was the cause that the company got bad coverage in the press. Despite their initial successes in Sierra Leone, where the contractors were welcomed by the local population (citation needed), the company was forced to leave the country by the United Nations. After Executive Outcomes left, the country was back in turmoil again.
In 1997, Eeben Barlow left the company, disillusioned by the negative national and international press coverage.
Key personnel
Apart from Eeben Barlow, other Executive Outcomes personnel were reported to be Nic van der Bergh and Lafras Luitingh.
Executive Outcomes was dissolved on
January 1 ,1999 when South Africa introduced the 1998 "Regulation of Foreign Military Assistance Act".The aim of the Act was to stop
mercenary activities by the dual actions of:
# preventing direct participation as a combatant in armed conflict for private gain including the training, recruitment and use of mercenaries; and,
# requiring approval of the National Conventional Arms Control Committee for offering of military assistance overseas. [ [http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200102/cmselect/cmfaff/922/2061322.htm Chapter 2 — The Private Military Companies' Perspective] Select Committee on Foreign Affairs August 1, 2002]The company's personnel most likely continued their activities under the names of Lifeguard, Saracen, or another private military company with links to Executive Outcomes, albeit with a much reduced level of visibility. [http://fmso.leavenworth.army.mil/documents/merc.htm Executive Outcomes: Mercenary Corporation OSINT Guide] Dr. Robert J. Bunker and Steven F. Marin US Army Foreign Military Studies Office July 1999]
andline International
Executive Outcomes was once linked to the
United Kingdom private military companySandline International . Sandline subcontracted Executive Outcomes on a mission in Papua Guinea in 1997, but due to poor preparations and treachery on the side of Papua Guinea, the mission failed.References
7. The book "Untapped: The Scramble for Africa's Oil" by John Ghazvinian discusses Executive Outcomes participation in coup attempts.
ee also
Sandline International
*Private military company
*UN Mercenary Convention
*Unlawful combatant
*Arms trade External links
* [http://web.archive.org/web/19981212024722/http://www.eo.com/ Mirror of Executive Outcomes' official website in 1998, from archive.org]
* [http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1400097819 Licensed to Kill, Hired Guns in the War on Terror] by Robert Young Pelton (Crown, Sept 1, 2006)
*"The Hunter, The Hammer, and Heaven: Journeys to Three Worlds Gone Mad, by Robert Young Pelton" (ISBN 1-58574-416-6)
* [http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/para/executive_outcomes.htm Executive Outcomes] page byGlobalSecurity.org
* [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/3916465.stm Profile: Simon Mann] BBC News September 10, 2004
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.