- Bernard de la Harpe
Bernard de la Harpe or rather Jean-Baptiste Bénard de la Harpe ["An explorer of Louisiana : Jean-Baptiste Bénard de la Harpe (1683-1765)par Marc de Villiers du Terrage; Samuel Dorris Dickinson; Ouachita Baptist University. Institute for Regional Studies." ; Arkadelphia, Ark. : Institute for Regional Studies, Ouachita Baptist University, l983. OCLC|11123439] ["Un Explorateur de la Louisiane Jean-Baptiste Bénard de la Harpe, 1683-1765 ; Marc de Villiers du Terrage, baron; Montréal : Bibliothèque nationale du Québec, 1988. OCLC|49133253] (1683 in
Saint-Malo -September 26 1765 ) is a French explorer who is credited with the discovery ofLittle Rock, Arkansas . In 1722, la Harpe found two distinct rock formations on the south bank of theArkansas River , naming the smaller "La Petite Roche" and the larger "La Grande Roche". He based a trading post near the smaller formation, as aQuapaw Indian settlement was stationed there.Bernard de la Harpe may have been the first explorer to discover
Natural Steps, Arkansas . At the time, this area was occupied by a large Quapaw village.Works
*"Historical journal of the settlement of the French in Louisiana." ; Jean Baptiste Bénard de La Harpe; Lafayette, University of Southwestern Louisiana 1971. OCLC|150458
*"Journal historique de l'établissement des Français à la Louisiane" ; Jean Baptiste Bénard de La Harpe ; Nouvelle-Orléans : A.-L. Boimare, 1831. OCLC|15042608
*"Carte nouvelle de la partie de l'ouest de la Province de la Louisia : sur les observations et decouvertes su Sieur Benard de la Harpe" ; Jean Baptiste Bénard de La Harpe; Carl I Wheat; Washington : Map Division, Library of Congress, 1913. OCLC|38763887References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.