Services of Supply

Services of Supply

The Services Of Supply or 'SOS' branch of the Army was created on February 28, 1942 by Executive Order Number 9082 "Reorganizing the Army and the War Department" [] , and War Department Circular No.59, dated March 2, 1942. Services of Supply became one of the three autonomous components of the Army of the United States on March 9, 1942. It was renamed the Army Service Forces on March 12, 1943, as it was felt that the term 'supply' did not accurately describe its broad range of activities.

Most theatres of war had their own logistical organisation, usually also named the Services of Supply. There was a Services of Supply in North Africa and later Italy which was renamed the Communications Zone in September 1944.

The Services of Supply in the South West Pacific Area was commanded by Brigadier General Richard J. Marshall, and later Brigadier General J. L. Frink from September 1943. It was abolished in April 1945, and absorbed into Army Forces, Western Pacific (AFWESPAC).

The Services of Supply, ETO, was established in England on 24 May, 1942 under the command of Major General John C. H. Lee. Almost two years of build up followed, supporting the North African Campaign and eventually the Normandy Invasion. The command was redesignated COMZ (Communications Zone) after the June 6, 1944 invasion. Within COMZ was ADSEC and FECOMZ.

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