

Karsk is a Norwegian name for coffee with added liquor, usually moonshine or vodka (some will consider moonshine exclusively to be appropriate as an added componentwho|date=February 2008, as it has no inherent taste like other liquors). In Norway, the term Karsk is predominantly used in the mid-region of the country (Trøndelag, roughly corresponding to the counties of Nord-Trøndelag and Sør-Trøndelag), while it may be referred to with other terms in other parts of the country. For instance, it may also be referred to as kaffedoktor ("Coffee doctor"); this is for instance a popular designation in the county of Hedmark. In Northern Norway it may also be referred to as rotar, though some would use these terms (kaffedoktor and rotar) exclusively about a variety where sugar is added with the coffee. In Sweden it is called kask or kaffekask and is mainly drunk in the central and northern parts. Alcohol content is a matter of personal taste, and can vary from 10 to 96%.

In many rural areas of Norway it is common to sell half-full cups of coffee at festivals and concerts where people are expected to bring their own moonshine to mix with itfact|date=February 2008.

A common saying about karsk is that it is made it by placing a coin (or a sugar cube) at the bottom of a cup, then pouring coffee until the coin can no longer be seen, and then adding moonshine until the coin is yet again visiblewho|date=February 2008. Some variations also include that moonshine is added until the coin dissolves.

A common joke goes "You put a coin on the table. Then you drink moonshine until you can't see it, then you drink coffee until you can see it."fact|date=February 2008


* [http://www.theintelli.com/Mo-to-Mot/Moonshine.php Moonshine Resource Page]
* [http://www.astro.uu.se/~ns/kask.html Kaffekask - Coffee-kask]
* [http://www.kortfilmfestivalen.no/2005/Program/n_kort05/karsk.html Karsk documentary]
*no icon [http://www.arcus.no/FgdfW5H.ips Arcus.no - Brennevinsleksikon]
*sv icon [http://www.systembolaget.se/MatochDryck/BalOchDrinkarMedAlkoholfriaAlternativ/VarmaDryckerTe.htm Systembolaget - Te och kaffedrinkar]
*sv icon [http://susning.nu/Kaffekask Kaffekask - susning.nu]

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