exchange transfusion — ex·change transfusion iks chānj n simultaneous withdrawal of the recipient s blood and transfusion with the donor s blood esp. in the treatment of erythroblastosis * * * a technique for treating haemolytic disease in newborn infants. Using a… … Medical dictionary
exchange transfusion — a technique for treating haemolytic disease in newborn infants. Using a syringe with a three way tap, blood is withdrawn from the baby (via the umbilical vein), ejected, and replaced by an equal amount of donor blood compatible with the mother s… … The new mediacal dictionary
exchange transfusion — noun slow removal of a person s blood and its replacement with equal amounts of a donor s blood • Hypernyms: ↑transfusion, ↑blood transfusion … Useful english dictionary
transfusion — Synonyms and related words: arterial transfusion, blood bank, blood donor, blood donor center, blood transfusion, bloodmobile, communication, conduction, contagion, convection, delivery, deportation, diapedesis, diffusion, direct transfusion,… … Moby Thesaurus
transfusion — noun 1. the introduction of blood or blood plasma into a vein or artery (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑blood transfusion • Derivationally related forms: ↑transfuse • Hypernyms: ↑insertion, ↑introduction, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Трансфузия Обменная (Exchange Transfusion) — метод лечения гемолитичсской болезни новорожденных. С помощью шприца с трехсторонним краном у младенца забирается кровь (через пупочную вену), после этого она удаляется из шприца и заменяется тем же количеством донорской крови, совместимой с… … Медицинские термины
transfusion — Transfer of blood or blood component from one individual (donor) to another individual (receptor). [L. transfundo, pp. fusus, to pour from one vessel to another] drip t. t. slow enough to measure by drops. exchange t. removal o … Medical dictionary
Transfusion transmitted infection — A Transfusion transmitted infection (TTI) is a virus, parasite, or other potential pathogen that can be transmitted in donated blood through a transfusion to a recipient. The term is usually limited to known pathogens, but also sometimes includes … Wikipedia
exchange — [c]/əksˈtʃeɪndʒ / (say uhks chaynj), /ɛk / (say ek ) verb (exchanged, exchanging) –verb (t) 1. to part with for some equivalent; give up (something) for something else. 2. to replace by another or something else; change for another: to exchange a …
transfusion — (Roget s IV) n. Syn. transfer, transference, transmission, blood exchange, bleeding; see also exchange 1 , phlebotomy … English dictionary for students