

The oneminutes are videos of exactly one minute, including credits. Worldwide, The One Minutes (TOM) Foundation and partners are organizing exhibitions, country competitions, award ceremonies, TV broadcasts and in 2008 the Olympic One Minutes in Beijing. One of the core activities of the one minutes foundation is the organization of a yearly award evening. An independent jury selects nominees per category, the nominated one minutes are shown and the winners receive a tommy award, fame, glory and if possible a financial reward.

In 2006, the award evening was held on 19 November in Paradiso, Amsterdam. Additional award festivals can be organized in other countries by partners of The One Minutes Foundation and will be announced on their website. The Belgian Branch, hosted by the Hogeschool Gent, organizes, in collaboration with the European League of Institutes of the Arts (ELIA), the official Belgian open competition. The Awards were granted October 26 at SPHINX Cinema in Ghent during the ELIA conference 2006.

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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