

Infobox Fictional Spacecraft
name = A-wing

caption =
first = ""
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status =
affiliation = Rebel Alliance New Republic
launched =
decommissioned =
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auxcraft =
armaments = Laser cannons Concussion missiles
defense = Deflector shields
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length = 9.6 meters
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primeref = Starwars.com Databankcite web|url=http://www.starwars.com/databank/starship/awingstarfighter|title=A-wing starfighter|work=Star Wars Databank|publisher=Lucasfilm|accessdate=2007-08-29]

A-wings are fictional Rebel Alliance and New Republic starfighters in the "Star Wars" universe. They first appear in "" and subsequently in the Star Wars Expanded Universe's books, comics, and games.

Origin and design

The A-wing was one of two new starfighters created for "Return of the Jedi".cite book |last=Peterson |first=Lorne |title=Sculpting A Galaxy - Inside the Star Wars Model Shop |year=2006 |publisher=Insight Editions |page= pgs 52-55 |location=San Rafael, California |isbn=1-933-784-03-2] Dubbed the "A fighter" as it was the first of the two designs created, the starfighter was intended to resemble the snowspeeders seen in "The Empire Strikes Back". The model was built by Wesley Seeds and Lorne Peterson of Industrial Light & Magic, and included a pilot figurine based on a World War I German airman. A battle-damaged engine "wing" was also created, and could be snapped into place to represent a damaged fighter.

Ralph McQuarrie's A-wing concept art showed them to be blue in colouration;cite web |url=http://www.starwars.com/databank/starship/awingstarfighter/?id=bts |title=Behind The Scenes - A-wing starfighter |accessdate=2007-09-11 |work=StarWars.com Databank |publisher=Lucas Online] because of bluescreen technology limitations, this was changed to red.


A-wings are described as the fastest starfighters in the war between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire;cite web|url=http://www.starwars.com/databank/starship/awingstarfighter/?id=eu|title=A-wing starfighter (Expanded Universe)|work=Star Wars Databank|publisher=Lucasfilm|accessdate=2007-08-29] however, "" states that they are poorly shielded against attack. A-wings from Green Squadron participate in the Battle of Endor depicted in "Return of the Jedi". At Endor, an A-wing piloted by Arvel Crynyd (Hilton McRae) crashes into the bridge of the Super Star Destroyer "Executor", resulting in the "Executor" crashing out of control into the second Death Star.

The A-wing's backstory shows its creation by Jan Dodonna (Alex McCrindle), based on his analysis of the role of speed in the Battle of Yavin. [cite web |url=http://www.starwars.com/databank/character/generaljandodonna/?id=eu |title=Expanded Universe - Dodonna, General Jan |accessdate=2007-09-11 |work=StarWars.com Databank |publisher=Lucas Online] However, the A-wing appears in several Expanded Universe works set before or during the events of "A New Hope", including the "" flight simulator and the cartoon series. To resolve this inconsistency, Daniel Wallace created the R-22 Spearhead when writing "The New Essential Guide to Characters" in 2002, naming it the basis of the A-wing design.

The A-wing's speed is used in the "A-wing Slash" maneuver depicted in Timothy Zahn's novel "Dark Force Rising". The A-wing is also flyable in ' and the "Rogue Squadron" series, and it appears in other LucasArts "Star Wars" titles such as '.


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