Termas del Arapey

Termas del Arapey

Arapey Springs (in Spanish, "Termas del Arapey") is a resort located in north-western Uruguay, in the department of Salto.

Arapey Springs, over the edge of the Arapey river, is the oldest establishment of spring waters in the country, and is said to be one of the most prominent destinations of the region.

Its hot waters are used therapeutically, and has numerous facilities with closed and outdoor swimming pools, surrounded by lucious green gardens.

It is more or less 80 km north of the provincial capital and 560 km away from the Uruguayan capital of Montevideo.

The waters of Arapey Springs are an average of 39ºC in its waters, and the resort contains hotels, cottages and camping areas.

Every Easter, many people from the rest of the country, as well as Argentinians, Brazilians and Paraguayans visit Arapey Springs for vacation.

In the last decade, American and European tourism has increased and reached a record number. However, efforts to maintain the resort in good or, at least, presentable conditions have been affected, as the government has not given enough funds to Arapey in order to keep the resort in pristine condition.

Population: 2,000 inhabitants (although most residents live within the city limits of Salto and spend their time working in the resort).

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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