

Folio may refer to:
* In bookbinding,
** A sheet of paper, parchment, or other material folded in half to make two leaves in a codex.
** Mainly for manuscripts, a leaf (ie two pages). Manuscript pages are often traditionally physically marked with numbers, and referred to, by folio number, with "recto" for the first side and "verso" for the second - so "f.3v" would be "page 6" in a conventional count.
** Book size, or Paper size, where folio is a book bound from folio sheets, usually 15" (38,1 cm) tall or more.
** A book printed on folio pages, such as the First Folio of William Shakespeare's plays
* Folio (typeface), a sans-serif typeface
* Folio Society, publishers of fine illustrated books
* "Folio Weekly", a newspaper published in Florida and Georgia
* "FOLIO:", a monthly magazine covering the publishing industry.
* "Folio Corporation", a software company, and technology product created in the mid-1980s in Orem, Utah. The product is used to provide full-text indexing and search for unstructured text. Known for its use of underhead technology which compresses text and index into a single information-base called an "infobase" and commly referred to as an NFO. The product has been used largely in the professional publishing industry and is currently (2008) being used by over 1,000 organizations world-wide. The technology is now owned by Microsoft through their acquisition of previous owner Fast Search & Transfer.
* "Folio:", A new wave band from Los Angeles California.
* The Palm Foleo, a subnotebook device
* A term used in the hotel industry to describe a list of room charges for a guest (synonymous to an invoice or bill)

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  • folio — [ fɔljo ] n. m. • 1571; ablatif du lat. folium « feuille » 1 ♦ Feuillet (spécialt des manuscrits de certaines éditions anciennes, numérotés par feuillets et non par pages). Le folio 18 recto, verso. 2 ♦ Typogr. Chiffre qui numérote chaque page d… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • folio — (Del lat. folĭum, hoja). 1. m. Hoja de un libro o de un cuaderno. 2. Titulillo o encabezamiento de las páginas de un libro. 3. Hoja de papel que resulta de doblar una vez el pliego de marca ordinaria. 4. Hierba dioica de la familia de las… …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • folio — FÓLIO s.n. 1. Format de hârtie sau de carte obţinut prin îndoirea colii de hârtie o singură dată. 2. Filă de registru, de carte sau de manuscris numerotată o singură dată, pe o singură faţă, pentru ambele pagini. [pr.: li o] – Din lat. [in]folio …   Dicționar Român

  • Folio — bezeichnet ein historisches Papierformat, ca. 21 cm × 33 cm ein historisches Buchformat mit einer Höhe von 40–45 cm eine für antike und mittelalterliche Bücher genutzte Seitenangabe, siehe Folium eine serifenlose Schriftart, siehe Folio… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Folio — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El término folio puede hacer referencia a: Formato de papel, donde el folio es una hoja de papel de 215×315 mm. En encuadernación: Hoja de papel, de pergamino o de otro material que se dobla por la mitad para hacer… …   Wikipedia Español

  • folio — sustantivo masculino 1. Página de un libro o cuaderno: Ese pasaje empieza en el folio 32 del manuscrito. 2. Hoja de papel que tiene el tamaño de la mitad de un pliego: un paquete de folios. Escribieron sólo por una de las caras del folio.… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • folio — Folio. Mot tiré du Latin, & que l usage a rendu François, en ces phrases. Folio recto, folio verso, pour dire, La premiere page, la seconde page d un feuillet. On appelle, Livres in folio, Les livres dont les feuilles ne sont pliées qu en deux.… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • folio — [fō′lē ō΄; ] also [ fōl′yō΄] n. pl. folios [ME < L ( in) folio, (in) a sheet, abl. of folium, a leaf (in LL, leaf of paper): see FOLIATE] 1. Bookkeeping a page of a ledger, or facing pages with the same number 2. Law a set number of words (100 …   English World dictionary

  • folio — folio, tirarse (darse, marcarse) el folio expr. presumir, alardear, pavonearse. ❙ «...yo de esto no tengo ni puta idea, pero de todas formas me marcaré el folio.» C. Pérez Merinero, Días de guardar. ❙ «A ver, no se va a dejar a los currelas que… …   Diccionario del Argot "El Sohez"

  • fólio — s. m. 1. Conjunto de duas páginas (retro e verso) de uma meia folha de papel não dobrada. 2. Algarismo designativo do número do fólio de um livro manuscrito. 3. Livro impresso em formato in fólio.   ‣ Etimologia: redução de in fólio …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

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