- CG artwork
CG is a term most commonly known in the West for its use in
Japan ese webpages to denote digital artwork. In the original Japanese, it is an abbreviation of the Japanesegairaigo nihongo|computer graphics |コンピュータグラフィックス, used to refer to any form of digital artwork, from digitally shadeddōjinshi to legitimate cinema (like "Toy Story "). In the West, however, the term has come to be used exclusively to connote 2D digital art, as the termcomputer-generated imagery (CGI) exists. In relation thehentai industry has begun in the recent years to incorporate this into their market scheme.External links
* Japanese link directories:
** [http://www.surpara.com/ Surfer's Paradise]
** [http://www.tinami.com/ Tinami]
** [http://www.j-empire.com/ CG Artwork Resources]
* [http://cgarts.myfreeforum.org/ CG Arts] Free computer artwork at your request
* [http://cg-cars.com/ CG Cars] : A website for 3D car models as well as 2D car drawings.
* [http://cgtalk.com.ua/ CG talk.com.ua] : - articles and forums according computer graphics. Video clips and reels, gallery and portfolio of CG artists
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