Shripad Shri Vallabha

Shripad Shri Vallabha

Sripada ShriVallabha श्रीपाद श्रीवल्लभ (Sripada SriVallabha) is considered as the first avatara (incarnation) of the deity Shri Dattatreyain kaliyuga. As per some of the experts (Prof.R. C. Dhere) he is supposed to have lived from 1320 AD to 1350 AD. He was born in Pithapuram [A new book "Shripada Shrivallabha Charitamrutham" available from Shripada Shrivallabha Mahasansthan in Pithapuram throws more light on this incarnation. It is a very exciting book. At present only Telugu translation from Sanskrit version is available. Marathi and English translations are in progress. (The Marathi Translation is now published. It can be purchased at Nerlekar Book Depot in Budhwar Chowk, Pune for INR 120. Now Kannada translation by name 'Sripada srivallbhara divya charithamrutha'(published and distributed by sri guru kanneswara swami dattavadhoota ashram at srikshetra, village Dodderi, challakere Thaluk, Chitradurga district) is also available for INR 140. ] , a town in Godavari district of state Andhra Pradesh in India.

ShriVallabha was the third son of Aappalaraja sarma and Sumati. After he left their house for Kashi-yatra (Kashi or Banaras or Varanasi Piligrimage), he stayed most of his life in Kuravpur (Kuravapura).

According to some scholars, (like Prof. Dhere) he lived for 30 years ["Datta-Sampradyacha Itihas" ("History of Datta Sampradaya") by Dr. R. C. Dhere (Padmagnadha Prakashan, Pune). ] . However, nothing much is known about his life. The only source of his life's information is from the book Shri GuruCharitra written by Shri Saraswati Gangadhar in Marathi around 1450 AD.

Life Story

Shripada srivallabha was born to Sri Appalaraja Sarma (of Aapastambha Shakha Brahmin) and Sumathi on Bhadrapada Sudha Chavithi( Ganesh Chaturdi). Going in to his birth secrecy, when Appalaraja Sarma family was preparing for the shraaddha (a yearly ceremony to pay homage to the departed soul), aroundnoon time some Bhikshuk came for bhiksha. Before feeding the invited Brahmins, she fed this brahmin considering himas Dattatreya. Dattatreya became quite happy and offered her a boon. She asked for a son "knowledgeable like you" for which Dattatreya said "yes". She had before two sons, who were blind and lame and several others which did not live long. Dattatreya blessed her by saying that she will have world famous son who will be guru to all. Both husband andwife became happy to hear the blessings and she had Shripada. Shripada finished his studies of Vedas, Shastras etcby the age of Seven and after his "Upanayan" (Munja) he started lecturing on these. When he reached age of 16, his parents thought of getting him married. However, he said that he is married to only one woman "Vairagya-stree" (Vairagya means Dispassion, stree means Woman) and thushe should be called "Shriya-Vallabh". Thus the name "Shripada ShriVallabha". He left their home for Kashi-pilgrimage.Before leaving he made his two elders brothers who were blind and lame, as normal humans and asked them to take careof their parents. He left Pithapuram for Badarikedar towards North. After the pilgrimage, he went to Gokarna Mahabaleshwar in South. After sepnding 3 years at Mahabaleshwar he went to Shri Shaila mountain (Sri Sailam). Afterstaying there for 4 months he finally settled in Kuravpur near Krishna river.

Ambika Var-Pradanam (Blessing of Ambika)

It is this place where the future incarnation (avatar) related stories happened. The first one is of womancalled Ambika, whose children were dying. Only one survived and he turned out to be a moron. Her husbanddied after trying to teach his son, but to no success. After her husband's death, she tried to teach the boy, but finally gave up. The boy was ridiculed by village people and no one was ready to give him their daughter. Both mother andson decided to end their life in the Krishna River. Here they met Shripad-yati who was taking bath. After hearing her story Shripad felt very sad and asked her to do Shani-pradosh-vrata. She was quite impressed with Swamiji and askedthat in the next birth she would have son like him. Shripadji agreed and put his hand over the boy's head. The boybecame a learned scholar instantly.The woman Ambika in her next birth became Amba-Bhavani of Lad-Karanja (A place in Maharashtra)and became mother of Shri Narashimha Saraswati (Shri Shripad ShriVallabh's avatar).

Rajak Var-Pradanam (Blessing of Washerman)

One washerman (Rajak) has become the disciple of Shripadji. One day this man saw the king moving in the boats with hisarmy and women and was quite depressed to see it. After Shripadji asked him, he said that he wanted to have this kindof royal life. Shripadji blessed him to become the king. Shripadji told him that he will meet him at Vidura nagari intheir next birth.

It is believed that the Bedar's sultan Allauddin II (1435-58AD) might have been this king who met with Shri NarasimhaSaraswati (Second avatara of Shri Dattatreya or reincarnation of Shri Shripad ShriVallabh).

Vallabhesh Brahmin Story

This story happened just after the avatar-samapti (end of avatara) of Shri Shripadji. It seemsthis Vallabhesh brahmin was doing business, and once he said that if he earns more than hisusual earnings, he will go to Kuravpur and feed 1000 Brahmins with the additional profit money. Indeed that year he made some huge profit and then decided to complete his vow. While he was approaching Kuravpur, on his way he was met with few dacoits who accompanied him in disguise to loot him. Later while travelling through, they attacked, beheaded and killed him. Shri Shripadji suddenly appeared from nowhere and killed all the dacoits. Only one was spared, who begged to Shripadji for his own life. Shripadji spared him and asked him to stick the head of Vallabhesh on his beheaded body and brought him to life. Vallabhesh Brahmin later completed his vow and became a full disciple of Shri Shripad ShriVallabh.

It is interesting to note that this Vallabhesh brahmin is considered as the mula-purush (family originator) of the Hedgewar family. Dr. K. B. Hedgewar who founded the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (the RSS) is the 9th generation man from Vallabhesh. [ Dr. Hedgewar Charitra: N. H. Palkar, pp 1-2, 435-436.]

Pithapuram पीठापूरम्

Swamy temple was constructed according to his guidelines as he told in Sripadasrivallbha charitamrutam(life history) in Srikshetra Pithapuram and is being maintained by Sripada Srivallbha Mahasansthanam. Pithapuram is located on Hyderabad-Vishakhapattanam railway line and is near to (about 10-12 km from) Samalkot junction.

Kuravpur कुरवपूर

The location may be checked on [ Wikimapia] with search for Shripad Shrivallabh (Sripad SriVallabha) devasthanam.

thumb|250px|right|Shri Shripad Shrivallabha Dhyaana Sthaan atKuravpur

Shripadji stayed here most of his life. It appears that this place must have been quite wellhabitated. The story of Vallabhesh Brahmin shows that the village must have been quite bigenough to at least accommodate about 1000 Brahmins. Now (as of 2006AD) the population hasreduced and there are lot many fields in between the temple and the village. The village is at one end of the island and the temple is at the other end. There are two, frequently used, routes to reach Kuravapur. One is via Raichur in Karnataka state and another one is via Makthal in Andhra Pradesh state. Either way one has to cross the Krishna river in a small elliptical boat (Putti or Theppa) to reach this island.

Via Raichur: Raichur is about 10 or 12 hours journey from Pune by train. At Raichur one can hire a bus/rickshaw towards ATKUR (40 km). At ATKUR one can hire a Putti to cross the Krishna river and reach Kuravpur. There is also a KSRTC bus service from Raichur bus stand to Atkur, which leaves for Atkur at 7:30 am, 10:30am, 1:30 pm, 4:00pm and 7:00pm. The 13:30PM bus ends at Atkur(village), the other buses end at the bank of Krishna.

Via Makthal: Makthal (Mahaboobnagar district, Andhra Pradesh) is 68 KM from Mahaboobnagar bus station and 168 KM from Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. Some buses from Hydrabad to Raichur, via Mahaboobnagar, stop at Makthal. Mahaboobnagar is connected by rail route also. One has to hire an auto or taxi (jeep) from Makthal to river bank(ask for Panchdev Pahad or Vithal baba ashram). River bank is 17 KM from Makthal. There are two locations on the river bank where Putti or small boats can be hired. One is Panchdev Pahad and another one is behind Vithal baba ashram (1KM from ashram). Number of boats near Vithal baba ashram are less.

Kuravapur is very quiet. There is a cave where Shri Tembeswami used to meditate.

Sripada Srivallbha Charitamrutam(life history of swamy) has come in to print in Telugu language recently and translation to other languages is under utmost consideration by Mahasansthanam at Pithapuram. One can get his blessings easily by chanting as below

"'Digambara Digambara Sripadavallbha Digambara "'Digambara Digambara Avadootha Chintana Digambara'

ome Views

The life and works of Shri Shripad-ShriVallabh should be seen in the context of the time helived. The area where he lived and travelled is now in Maharashtra-Karnataka-Andhra Pradesh states. These areas were being attacked by the Mughals from the North. Many forced conversions, destruction of temples, old statues and scriptures were taking place. It was atthis time that Swamiji lived and must have seen the death and destruction of people. Also during this time a cultural mixing of Hindu-Muslim communities was taking place. Islam was completely new to the existing communities here and they did not know how torespond it effectively. A careful look at the Datta-Sampradaya will show that there was somekind of mixing of two religions was taking place. The Swamis, Sadhus, Yogis, Yatis etc. of Hindu religion were getting identified with Muslim Sufis, Pirs, Fakirs etc. Therefore a Muslim Darga near Saibaba Temple or Masjid right adjacent to it will explain the complex behavior here. Shri Saibaba's look is more like a Fakir or Pir of Muslim community.Shripadji's time was quite hard for the old Hindu religion and thus he and his next avatara, Shri Narasimha Saraswati brought back the old Hindu religion and the life styles. This is the next big leap after Jagatguru Shri Adi Shankaracharya revived Hinduism in India.

The stories given about the life of Shri Shripad-swamiji are to be seen in this context. Heimmediately attained godliness due to his work, guidance and philosophy. The story of Vallabhesh Brahmin also appears in some different form in Nath Sampradaya stories to increase the importance of worshipping of their own deities or Swamis. However, it appears that this story is first reported in the literature in Gurucharitra.

Nothing much seems to be known about Shripadji's life even at the time of Gurucharitra's writer (Shri Saraswati Gangadhar). Some more research on his life may put more light on the historical and cultural state of the 14th century. All we know about this Datta-avatar is only from the Gurucharitra's first few chapters.



*"Shri Dattatreya Dnyankosh" by Dr. P. N. Joshi (Shri Dattateya Dnyankosh Prakashan, Pune, 2000).
*"Datta-Sampradyacha Itihas" ("History of Datta Sampradaya") by Dr. R. C. Dhere (Padmagnadha Prakashan, Pune).

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