- Asociación pola defensa da ría
The Asociación Pola Defensa da Ría (Association in Defence of the Ria) of
Pontevedra , known as APDR, is a Galician local environmentalnon-governmental organisation created in 1987 to address the environmental degradation ofPontevedra 'sria area. It has over 500 registered members and it holds substantial support within the local community.Through its work, the APDR defends a model of sustainable development based in the rational use of sea and forest resources, and a tourism model not based in the idea of mass tourism. The organisation is open to any citizen interested in the rehabilitation of the
ria and its adjacent areas. Most of its work is focused in the fight against the main polluting industries [ [http://www.anosaterra.org/nova/nunca-saberemos-o-dano-a-saude-de-celulosas-.html Retired doctor comments on the possible effects of contamination in the ria] , from newspaper "A Nosa Terra" (20 September 2008)] , such as the timbering company TAFISA (already relocated) and thepulp mill /paper mill and electrochemical complexENCE -ELNOSA.Campaigns
The APDR currently has three main active campaigns:
* Paper mills: with a focus on the closure of the operations of the [http://www.ence.es ENCE]
pulp mill /paper mill in Pontevedra's ria. Likewise, APDR opposes to the construction of new ENCE and [http://www.metsabotnia.com/ Botnia] pulp mills in Entre Ríos (Argentina) and Río Negro (Uruguay).
*Littoral modification: in particular rejecting the modifications to Marín's port and the construction of a new harbour inBueu .
*Sustainable forest management . The APDR also focusses on ensuring that certifications awarded by theForest Stewardship Council (FSC) follow the required criteria in the ria area, and that these are observed by the relevant authorities.In addition to the mentioned campaigns, the APDR also entertains parallel campaigns related to the environment and health issues, such as the relation between
mobile phone radiation and health , protection and rational development of the localseafood industry, etc.Collaborations
The APDR works in collaboration with a number of other environmental networks that aim to protect the environment, the Galician rivers
Gafos , Lérez andVerdugo , and with particular citizens initiatives. The APDR, in association with some of these other groups and/or individuals, have submitted a series of environmental and urbanism proposals to the local government ofPontevedra .From 1999, the APDR is member of the
Galician Environmental Federation ("Federación Ecoloxista Galega" - [http://www.federacionecoloxista.org/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=3 FEG] ), and from 2002 of the civic platformNunca Máis .Accomplished goals
The APDR initially managed to open investigations on the fulfilment of environmental regulations by ENCE. [ [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb5974/is_199410/ai_n24139248 Press note] , commenting on ENCE-ELNOSA officials being investigated and prosecuted (October 1994)] However, lack of support from the administration at that time reduced the effect of the APDR's early campaigns. It was only from 1999, with the arrival of a new governing team to Pontevedra's City Council, when APDR began to have institutional support and therefore was able to achieve specific goals.
The APDR critically backed the local government of Pontevedra, forming an environmental lobby, that eventually forced the relocation of the timbering company TAFISA. In in the 2001-2002 period, the APDR also gained the support of the Galician government on the grounds of health and environmental concerts to speed up the process. [ [http://www.lavozdegalicia.es/hemeroteca/2002/02/01/941377.shtml Article from "La Voz de Galicia"] , on how TAFISA was being investigated by justice on possible irregularities and environmental law breaches (1 February 2002)] [ [http://www.xornal.com/article.php?sid=20020209172423 Article from "Xornal.com"] , on how the Galician government urges TAFISA to close its Pontevedra factory and relocate (9 February 2002)]
The local government of Pontevedra, in association with the Galician government and APDR, negotiated the eventual closure of the ENCE-ELNOSA complex. However, the agreed date of year 2018 was considered as "unacceptable" by the APDR, which is now trying to force an earlier closure of the company.
In 2002 the APDR received the "Cidade de Pontevedra" prize, awarded by the Pontevedra City Council.In 2005 it received the "Vidal Bolaño" prize, awarded by the cultural organisation [http://www.redesescarlata.org "Redes Escarlata"] .
ee also
*Water pollution
*Paper pollution
*Rias Baixas External links
* [http://www.apdr.info/ Asociación Pola Defensa da Ría] - official website (in Galician)
* [http://www.federacionecoloxista.org Federación Ecoloxista Galega] - official website (in Galician)
* [http://www.plataformanuncamais.org Nunca Mais] - official website (in Galician)
* [http://www.ence.es ENCE] - corporate site of the ENCE group (in Spanish and English)
* [http://www.quimigal.com Quimigal] - corporate site of the parent company of ELNOSA (in Portuguese and English)
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-8URLymG48 Documentary on the ENCE-ELNOSA polemic] - broadcast by Argentinian television. Running time 5:59 (in Spanish)
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLeL0j7K0WE Documentary on the history of the ENCE-ELNOSA and the health concerns] - broadcast by [http://www.pluralia.tv Pluralia TV] . Running time 5:04 (in Galician and Spanish)
* [http://www.pontevedra.eu Concello de Pontevedra] - official site of the local government of Pontevedra (in Galician, Spanish, and with summarised versions in English and French)References
* Centro de Estudios y Ordenación del Territorio y Medio Ambiente [ed.] (1982): "Estudio de la contaminación de la Ría de Pontevedra: Programa Escorp" (three volumes). Deputación Provincial, Pontevedra
* Cobelo-Garcia, A. and Prego R. (2003): "Land inputs, behaviour and contamination levels of copper in a ria estuary (NW Spain)", in "Marine environmental research", vol. 56, no. 3, p. 403-422. Elsevier, Oxford, ISSN 0141-1136
* Combarro Combarro, M. P. (1981): "Indicadores bacteriológicos de contaminación fecal en la ría de Pontevedra". Memoria de Licenciatura, Faculdade de Bioloxía-Departamento de Microbioloxía e Parasitoloxía, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
* López Rodríguez, M. (1994): "Influencia de vertidos industriales en la variabilidad cualitativa y cuantitativa de la flora y vegetación bentónica de la ría de Pontevedra". Servicio de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
* Masa Vázquez, A. (2001): "A Xustiza acusa a Celulosas de 'delito ecolóxico' ", in "Inzar razóns", no.24, p. 16-19
* Masa Vázquez, A. (2006): "Defendemos o fin da actividade de Ence na Ría de Pontevedra", in "Cerna. Revista galega de ecoloxía e medio ambiente", no. 48, p. 30-33
* Masa Vázquez, A. (2008): "Un paso máis cara á consolidación do complexo na Ría de Pontevedra: autorizacións ambientais integradas a ENCE-ELNOSA", in "Inzar razóns", no. 37, p. 4-10
* Patiño Romarís, C. (1997): "Competencia entre agricultura y turismo en la margen norte de la Ría de Pontevedra", in "Dinámica litoral-interior: actas XV Congreso de Geógrafos Españoles", p. 493-502. Depto. de Xeografía, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
* Prego Reboredo, R. et al. (2003): "Chemical speciation of dissolved lead in polluted environments; a case of study: the Pontevedra Ria (NW Spain)", in "Ciencias Marinas", vol. 29, no. 4, p. 377-388
* Ramírez Fernández, C. (1999): "Un Purgatorio en Pontevedra", in "Tempos novos", no. 25, p. 19-27
* Rodríguez Rey, L. (1984): "Dinámica de poblaciones de "Spiochaetopterus costarum" (Claparede, 1868) en la ría de Pontevedra, su importancia como indicador de contaminación". Memoria de Licenciatura, Faculdade de Bioloxía-Departamento de Zooloxía, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
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