Gate array

Gate array

A gate array or uncommitted logic array (ULA) is an approach to the design and manufacture of application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs). A gate array circuit is a prefabricated silicon chip circuit with no particular function in which transistors, standard NAND or NOR logic gates, and other active devices are placed at regular predefined positions and manufactured on a wafer, usually called a master slice. Creation of a circuit with a specified function is accomplished by adding a final surface layer or layers of metal interconnects to the chips on the master slice late in the manufacturing process, joining these elements to allow the function of the chip to be customised as desired. This layer is analogous to the copper layer(s) of a printed circuit board (PCB).

Gate array master slices are usually prefabricated and stockpiled in large quantities regardless of customer orders. The design and fabrication according to the individual customer specifications may be finished in a shorter time compared with standard cell or full custom design. The gate array approach reduces the mask costs since fewer custom masks need to be produced. In addition manufacturing test tooling lead time and costs are reduced since the same test fixtures may be used for all gate array products manufactured on the same die size. Gate Arrays were the predecessor of the more advanced Structured ASIC; unlike Gate Arrays, Structured ASICs tend to include predefined or configurable memories and/or analog blocks. Structured ASICs are still sold by companies such as ChipX, Inc.

The main drawbacks of gate arrays are their somewhat lower density and performance compared with other approaches to ASIC design. However this style is often a viable approach for low production volumes.

Sinclair Research ported an enhanced ZX80 design to a ULA chip for the ZX81, and later used a ULA in the ZX Spectrum. A compatible chip was made in Russia as T34VG1. [Т34ВГ1article about the ZX Spectrum ULA compatible chip ru icon] Acorn Computers used several ULA chips in the BBC Micro, and later managed to compress almost all of that machine's logic into a single ULA for the Acorn Electron. Many other manufacturers from the time of the home computer boom period used ULAs in their machines. Ferranti in the UK pioneered ULA technology, then later abandoned this lead in semi-custom chips. The IBM PC took over the computer market, and the sales volumes made full-custom chips more economical.

Designers still wished for a way to create their own complex chips without the expense of full-custom design, and eventually this wish was granted with the arrival of field-programmable gate array (FPGA) chips CPLDs, and Structured ASIC. Whereas a ULA required a semiconductor wafer foundry to deposit and etch the interconnections, the FPGA had programmable interconnections.

ee also

Field programmable gate array


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