Rufous Mourner

Rufous Mourner

name = Rufous Mourner
status = LC
status_system = iucn3.1
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Passeriformes
familia = Tyrannidae
genus = " Rhytipterna "
species = "R. holerythra "
binomial = "Rhytipterna holerythra"
binomial_authority = (Sclater & Salvin, 1860)

The Rufous Mourner, "Rhytipterna holerythra", is a small passerine bird in the tyrant flycatcher family. It breeds from southwestern Mexico to northwestern Ecuador. It was formerly believed to be a cotinga, but well-supported anatomical evidence has shown it to be related to tyrant flycatchers of the genera "Myiarchus", "Sirystes" and "Casiornis".Scholes (2004)]

The Rufous Mourner is 20 cm. long and weighs 40 g. Its plumage is entirely rufous, brighter on the underparts, and with darker brown wings. The base of the bill is pink or horn-coloured. The call is a drawling "way teeer" and the song is "wee hi hi weeur-weeur-weeur".

This bird is found in lowlands and foothills up to 1200 m altitude in wet forests, adjacent old second growth, semi-open areas and shady plantations. The Rufous Mourner is seen alone, in family groups or as part of a mixed-species feeding flock. It perches on a twig from which it sallies forth to catch large insects and caterpillars and many seeds and fruit [E.g. of Gumbo-limbo ("Bursera simaruba"), and less frequently from "Cymbopetalum mayanum" (Annonaceae): Foster (2007)] . Usually, the food is taken in flight.

It nests in tree cavities, especially old woodpecker holes. It may also nest in holes in earth banks.



*|year=2004|id=50027|title=Rhytipterna holerythra|downloaded=16 September 2007 Database entry includes justification for why this species is of least concern
* (2007): The potential of fruiting trees to enhance converted habitats for migrating birds in southern Mexico. "Bird Conservation International" 17(1): 45-61. doi|10.1017/S0959270906000554 [ PDF fulltext]
* (2004): Rufous Mourner (Rhytipterna holerythra). Pp. 427 in: del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., & Christie, D. A. eds. (2004). "Handbook of the Birds of the World." Vol. 9. Cotingas to Pipits and Wagtails. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.ISBN 84-87334-69-5
* (1989): "A guide to the birds of Costa Rica". Comistock, Ithaca. ISBN 0-8014-9600-4

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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