Children's Medical Research Institute

Children's Medical Research Institute

The Children's Medical Research Institute (CMRI) is an Australian based independent scientific research organisation created in the 1950s by Paediatricians Sir Lorimer Dods and Dr. John Fulton to "perform scientific research with a commitment to better treat, and where possible, prevent childhood illness and disability so that all concerned have a better quality of life"[1]. The Institute is the organiser of Australia's annual Jeans for Genes campaign.

The CMRI conducts research into the fundamental causes of disease[2], current research is focussed on cancer, epilepsy and birth defects.

Recently, the Institute joined with the University of Newcastle to establish a Chemical Proteomics Centre for Kinomics (CFK) - a new discipline not yet available in Australia. This new centre, also a world-first, is supported by a $3.1 million grant awarded in 2009 by the Australian Cancer Research Foundation.[1]

Significant discoveries

In March 2007, Dr Scott Cohen and his team[3] made a significant discovery in telomerase research by establishing that the enzyme consists of two molecules each of telomerase reverse transcriptase, telomerase RNA, and dyskerin.

In 1995 CMRI researcher Prof Roger Reddel and team discovered ALT (Alternative lengthening of telomeres), a method by which approximately 15% of human cancer cells achieveimmortalityand keep dividing. This work is being pursued with a focus on understanding ALT and developing potential anti-cancer treatments and diagnostic tools.


  1. ^ Chemical Proteomics Centre for Kinomics, Australian Cancer Research Foundation.

External links