- Hydrogen leak testing
Hydrogen leak testing is the normal way in which a
hydrogen pressure vessel or installation is checked for leaks or flaws. There are various tests.*The
Hydrostatic test , The vessel is filled with a nearly incompressible liquid - usuallywater oroil - and examined for leaks or permanent changes in shape. The test pressure is always considerably more than the operating pressure to give a margin for safety, typically 150% of the operating pressure.*The
Burst test , The vessel is filled with a gas and tested for leaks. The test pressure is always considerably more than the operating pressure to give a margin for safety, typically 200% or more of the operating pressure.*The Helium leak test, The leak detection method uses
helium (the lightest inert gas) as a tracer gas and detects it in concentrations as small as one part in 10 million. The helium is selected primarily because it penetrates small leaks readily.
* Usually a vacuum inside the object is created with an external pump connected to the instrument.
* Alternatively helium can be injected inside the product while the product itself is enclosed in a vacuum chamber connected to the instrument. In this case Burst and leakage tests can be combined in one operation.*The
Hydrogen microsensor , The object is filled with a mixture of 5%hydrogen / 95%nitrogen , (below 5.7% hydrogen is non-flammable (ISO-10156). This is called typically a sniffing test. The handprobe connected to the microelectronic hydrogen sensors is used to check the object. An audiosignal increases in proximity of a leak. Detection of leaks go down to 5x10-7 cubic centimeters per second [http://www.reedlink.com/SingleArticle~ContentId~11957~pub~IA.html] . Compared to the helium test: hydrogen is cheaper than helium, no need for a vacuum, the instrument could be cheaper.Uses
Room testing
Stationairy unit, Hydrogen gas is only 7% the density of air, and thus rises. The hydrogen gas detector should be installedat the highest draft-free location in the room or compartment where hydrogen gas would accumulate.
In-Line testing
A fixed stationary unit on the assembly line or installation. [http://www.fsec.ucf.edu/en/research/hydrogen/safety.htm Chemochromic Sensors]
Hand held testing
A light mobile point-contact sensor
Hydrogen Concentrations of 4% to 75% mixed with air (around 40,000 ppm) can be explosive.
ee also
Hydrogen analyzer
*Hydrogen piping
*Tubing (material)
*Hydrogen station
*Tracer-gas leak testing method External links
* [http://ej.iop.org/links/q63/,,,vhEqvhL1tjxru6ReiaQ/mst6_5_s31.pdf Fibre gratings for hydrogen sensing]
* [http://www.sandia.gov/mstc/technologies/microsensors/hydrogensensor.html Wide-Range Hydrogen Sensor]
* [http://news.ufl.edu/2006/05/24/hydrogen-sensor/ Wireless sensor]
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