- Peter Jan Beckx
Early Years and Formation
Beckx was born — two months after the death of his father — in a very poor family. Another brother and sister died before he was one year old. With the help of benefactors he did his schooling in Testelt and then the municipal school of
Aarschot . In 1815 he entered the seminary ofMechelen in order to follow the course of studies leading to the priesthood. Ordained priest in Mechelen (6 March 1819) he was appointed inUccle , a parish in the neighbourhood ofBrussels (now part of the city). Eight months later, he resigned and entered theSociety of Jesus atHildesheim , Hanover. After the usual novitiate formation time he completed his Theological and Biblical studies (1823-26) in Germany. He was soon able to preach, hear confessions, and give retreats in theGerman language .Career
The Duke and Duchess of
Anhalt-Köthen converted to Catholicism in 1825 and asked for a Jesuit chaplain. Beckx was appointed to this duty, and went to live inKöthen . By giving classes to children in his own house, building a little church and organizing spiritual activities he brought many people back to the Catholic faith. After the death of the duke (1830) he went to live inVienna , where he was the only Jesuit for many years. His powerful sermons gave him fame andJan Roothaan , the Superior General, often asked him to negotiate on his behalf the foundation of Jesuit schools:Graz ,Innsbruck ,Linz . From time to time he was called toRome and sent on missions toLombardy ,Hungary , andBavaria . After teaching for a few years Canon Law at the Roman College in Rome (1842) he was sent toBelgium (1848) and was appointed Rector of the Jesuit theologate inLeuven (in 1850). But his services were required in Vienna where the situation for the Jesuits was difficult. In 1852 Roothaan sent him again to Vienna, as provincial, and his chief negotiator.General Congregation XXII
As Provincial of Austria Beckx attended the General Congregation of June 1853, called to elect a successor to
Jan Roothaan who had expired in March. On the 2 July, at the first ballot, Peter Jan Beckx, was elected (27 votes on 51)Superior General of the Society of Jesus . Four Assistants were also elected. The Congregation expressed also concern at the renewed attacks made against the Jesuits, and advice prudence and tact while defending the Society against its detractors.uperior General
* Those were difficult years for the Jesuits. They were expelled from
Spain (in 1854 and 1858), from Naples-Sicily (1859), fromGermany (1872) from France and French colonies (1880) and even from Rome itself, in 1873, during which time Beckx shifted his headquarters inFiesole , nearFlorence , where the 'Curia Generalizia' remained till 1895.
* Beckx wrote a good 15 letters to his Jesuit compagnons helping them keeping the spirit alive in the face of often vicious attacks. One is struck by their serenity and openness, in spite of the calamities they were facing, especially the letter of 1871 written to the whole Society after several French Jesuits (among whom wasPierre Olivaint ) were executed during theParis Commune of 1870.
* Considering the 'changing times' he was quite open to new apostolic activities. He modernized theRatio Studiorum , giving more room to science subjects in Jesuit education and encouraging the discussion of modern Philosophers (Kant ). If 'Religious freedom ' could be promoted (with prudence...), questioning the temporal power of the Church was howevertaboo .
* On the 1 January 1872 he consecrated the Society to theHeart of Jesus : love for, and spiritual union with, the person of Jesus is central to Jesuit life and activities.
* New missions were begun in different parts of the world, promoted indirectly too by a growing oversee emigration of people from Europe:Cuba (1853),Colombia (1858),Philippines (1859),Madagascar (1861),Mangalore , in India (1878),Zambezi (1879),Armenia (1881)Australia (1882), etc.
* Intellectual work was encouraged too. Several journals were started: "La Civiltà Cattolica " (Italy, 1850), "The Month" (London, 1864), "Etudes" (Paris, 1865), "Stimmen aus Maria-laach" (Germany, 1865) and others in Ireland, Poland and Belgium.
* During his timesUltramontanism largely prevailed upon the Liberal wing ofCatholicism . The journal "La Civiltà Cattolica ", very close to theHoly See (certain articles, it was said, were directly inspired by PopePius IX ) was particularly engaged in the struggle: defense of the Papal States (from 1859), defense of the "Syllabus of errors " (1864), defense of the supremacy of thePope (1870). This created a very negative image of the Society in several countries (especially Germany and France).
* During the thirty years that Father Beckx governed the Jesuits (the third longest term), their membership doubled and a large number of new provinces were established inIreland ,France ,Spain ,Portugal ,Missouri (USA), etc. His tenure of office was marked by an increased zeal for missions inProtestant lands.Election of a Vicar General
By 1883 - 88 years old and already 30 in office — Peter Beckx was an infirm. On his own accord he called a General Congregation in order that a '
Vicar General with rights of succession' be given him.General Congregation XXIII met in 1883, in Rome, and the 24 SeptemberAnton Anderledy , a Swiss Jesuit priest, was elected. Beckx, though remaining in title the 'Superior General' in effect abdicated his charge entirely. He died four years later at the age of ninety-two.Writings
* "Der Monat Maria" ("Month of Mary"),Vienna, 1843.
* "Epistolae selectae", Roma.References
* CHANDLERY, P., "Memoirs of San Girolamo, Fiesole (1873-93)", Roehampton, 1901.
* SCHOETERS, G., "P.-J. Beckx en de 'Jesuïeten-politiek' van zijn tijd", Antwerpen, 1975.
* VERSTRAETEN, A., "Leven van den hoogw. P.P. Beckx", Antwerpen, 1889.
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