Tozawa Masamori

Tozawa Masamori

Tozawa Masamori (戸沢政盛?) (1585-March 16, 1648) a retainer of the Japanese clan of Tokugawa following the Azuchi-Momoyama period of the 16th century. Masamori was the son of Moriyasu. Masamori sided with the Tokugawa following the Sekigahara Campaign during the year of 1600, following in receiving the fief of Matsuoka (40,000 koku). Masamori was transferred to Dewa province following the year of 1622 (68,000 koku).


  • banner: twelve black and white stripes
  • great standard: three white umbrellas
  • messenger's sashimono: a black horo with two flags
  • ashigaru: red disc on blue
  • lesser standard: gold horns above a red disc on blue
  • sashimono: as for the ashigaru but with a plume


  • Turnbull, Stephen. The Samurai Sourcebook

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