Jesus H. Christ

Jesus H. Christ

Jesus H. Christ is an example of slang serving as a mild profanity. [cite web|last=Adams|first=Cecil|title=Why do folks say "Jesus H. Christ"?|url=|work=The Straight Dope|date=1976-06-04|accessdate=2008-08-01 The expression can be used in an angry, wry, sarcastic, cynical, exasperated, or even joking tone. The expression implies that the "Christ" is a surname rather than a title ("Christ" comes from the Greek "christos" meaning "anointed.")


The expression dates to at least the late 19th century, although according to Mark Twain it was already old in 1850, and likely originates with the ancient Christian three-letter symbolism IHS (the "Christogram"). harv|Smith|1994|loc=p. 332

Using the name of Jesus Christ as an oath has been common for many centuries, but the precise origins of the letter "H" in the expression "Jesus H. Christ" are obscure. While many explanations have been proposed, some serious and many humorous, the most widely accepted derivation is from the divine monogram of Christian symbolism. The symbol, derived from the first three letters of the Greek name of Jesus (Ιησούς), is transliterated IHS, IHC, JHS or JHC. Since the transliteration IHS gave rise to the backronym "Iesus Hominum Salvator" (Latin for "Jesus savior of men"), it is plausible that JHC similarly led to "Jesus H. Christ". harv|Smith|1994|loc=pp. 332-3


*citation|last=Cassidy|first=Frederick G.|year=1995|title=More on "Jesus H. Christ"|journal=American Speech|volume=70|page=370
*citation|last=Smith|first=Roger|year=1994|title=The H of Jesus H. Christ|journal=American Speech|volume=69|pages=331-335|url=


External links

* [ Why do folks say "Jesus H. Christ"?] , from the Straight Dope (inconclusive)
* [ Explanation from WorldWideWords by Michael Quinion] (supports the IHC theory)
* [ Harold be thy name!] (has an interesting connection to Epistle of Barnabas (9:6-7) [ (written between 70 and 190 AD)] which says [ "The eighteen is I (=ten) and H (=8) -- you have Jesus"] .

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