- Thesprotiko
Thesprotiko (Greek: Θεσπρωτικό meaning
Thesprotia n) is a municipality in thePreveza Prefecture ,Greece . Population 5,474 (2001). The village name was first known as Lelova (Λέλοβα) untilApril 1 ,1927 when it adopted its current name. It became a municipality in the 1950sMunicipal districts
*Assos (Νάσαρι Nasari or Nassari)
*Galata (Μπουλιμέτι Boulimeti)
**Agios Savvas
**Elaia (Ντάρα Dara)
**Agioi Apostoloi
**Agia Triada
*Rizovouni (Ποδογόρα Podogora)
It is the capital of the area of Lakka in the Preveza Prefecture (Lakka Lelovou), it has a beautiful valley which includes several villages. The village is located between the
Thesprotika (Baldenesi, Μπαλντενέσι) with the elevation of 1,250 m andTsouka Podogora-Zarkorachi to the east with the elevation of 1,270 m. It had a lake with the name of Mavri which dried up in 1960.Information
Much of the houses were stone built until the 1960s. Electricity arrived in the same year. Vehicles arrived in the 1970s, the pavement of the main road and television arrived in the 1980s and computer and internet are rarely known in the beginning of the 21st century and up to date technology are not seen.
World War II and theGreek Civil War , its buildings were rebuilt. Its population also declined but recently grew and nearly doubled between the 1991 and the 2001 census.The origin of the older name is a lot old with famous origin. The topic name comes from the two villages from the two sides of the country, The two edges of the older villages in which during the destruction of the village of
Lambovo inNorthern Epirus in modern dayAlbania in which originate its older name.In all of the
Balkan s, the village with the same name Lelova or Lelovo (Λέλοβα, Λέλοβο). Only in Macedonia nearKilkis haa a village in theKrousia mountains with the older name Lelovo, in which is now known as Agios Antonios.Σε ολόκληρη τη Βαλκανική δεν υφίσταται χωριό με την ίδια ονομασία (Λέλοβα ή Λέλοβο). Μόνο στη Μακεδονία κοντά στο Κιλκίς βρίσκεται χωριό στο όρος Κρούσια με την παλαιά ονομασία Λέλοβο (το), που έχει μετονομαστεί σε Άγιος Αντώνιος.
Thesprotiko has a school, a lyceum (middle school) a gymnasium (secondary school), churches, banks, shops and a square ("
plateia ").ee also
List of settlements in the Preveza prefecture External links
* [http://www.gtp.gr/LocPage.asp?id=3017 Thesprotiko on GTP Travel Pages]
*Map and aerial photos:
**Street map information from: [http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?latlongtype=decimal&latitude=39.29829&longitude=20.781&zoom=6 Mapquest] , [http://local.live.com/map.aspx?&lats1=39.28929&lons1=20.781&alts1=35 LiveLocal] or [http://maps.google.com/maps?||=39.28929,20.781 Google] or [http://maps.yahoo.com/maps_result?lat=39.28929&lon=20.781&mag=2 Yahoo! Maps]
**Satellitehttp://maps.google.com/maps?ll=39.28929,20.781&spn=0.11,0.18&t=k Google] or [http://virtualearth.msn.com/default.aspx?cp=39.28929|20.781&style=h&lvl=15&v=1 Microsoft Virtual Earth] - image now available
*Coordinates: coord|39|14|59|N|20|46|52|E|type:city(209)_region:GR|display=inline,titleNorth: Arta prefecture West: Louros Thesprotiko East: Filippiada Southwest: Kranea and Louros South: Filippiada
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