
20100911 Ano Thermes Xanthi Prefecture Thrace Greece Panorama.jpg
Thermes is located in Greece
Coordinates 41°21′N 24°59′E / 41.35°N 24.983°E / 41.35; 24.983Coordinates: 41°21′N 24°59′E / 41.35°N 24.983°E / 41.35; 24.983
Country: Greece
Region: East Macedonia and Thrace
Regional unit: Xanthi
Municipality: Myki
Mayor: Hasan Nazır
Population statistics (as of 2001)
Municipal unit
 - Population: 1,221
Time zone: EET/EEST (UTC+2/3)
Auto: AH

Thermes (Greek: Θέρμες; Bulgarian: Лъджа, Ladzha, Turkish: Ilıca) is a former community in the Xanthi peripheral unit, East Macedonia and Thrace, Greece. Since the 2011 local government reform it is part of the municipality Myki, of which it is a municipal unit.[1] It consists of the villages Ano Thermes, Kato Thermes, Meses Thermes, Medousa, Kidaris, Diasparto, and Kottani. The population of Thermes was around 1396 inhabitants in 1991.[2] In 2001, the population decreased to around 1,221 inhabitants. Thermes is popular for its hot spas, which can be found all around the area. The Turkish name of Thermes is "Ilıca" which meaning "Spa".


Thermes spas images

Relief of Mithra

Thermes is also famous for the relief of Mithra (a Persian origin goddess of the sun) end of 2nd - beginning of 3rd century AD. The relief is depicting Mithras sacrificing a bull. Close to Mithras we can see figures of Cautes and Caupates. [3] [4]

Relief of Mithra (Mithras the Bull-slayer) is located close to Kato Thermes village.



  • Michail, Domna. Migration, tradition and transition among the Pomaks in Xanthi (Western Thrace). Department of Balkan Studies Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. LSE PhD Symposium on Social Science Research on Greece Hellenic Observatory, European Institute, LSE. June 21, 2003.

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