

The Blosenbergturm is a transmitting tower in Beromünster, Canton of Lucerne, Switzerland, built in 1937 for the German language radio station DRS and sending at an AM frequency of 531 kHz marking the down end of the official mediumwave broadcasting range. The Blosenbergturm has a height of 217 m and is a self-radiating tower insulated against ground, i.e. the entire tower structure is used as an antenna. It has a cabin at a height of 150 m, containing a coil for feeding the pinnacle, which is insulated against the rest of the tower, separetely with high frequency power. By this cabin it has similar proportions as Fernsehturm Stuttgart. Originally the tower was used as dipole antenna, whereby the feeding point was in the cabin. There is a second 126 metre tall freestanding lattice tower nearby, which is as Blosenbergturm a tower radiator insulated against ground. This tower, which was built in 1931, carried until 1962 together with a second tower, which was dismantled and rebuilt in St. Chrischona near Basel as TV transmission tower, a T-antenna for medium wave. After dismantling the second tower it was transformed in a tower radiator, which serves now as backup transmission for the Blosenbergturm.

It is planned to shut-down Beromuenster transmitter on December 28th, 2008, although there are some protests against this measure.

External links

* [ Blosenbergturm] on
* [ünster technical data about the transmitter]

ee also

* List of towers

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