- Inforadio24
Inforadio24 [http://www.inforadio24.com] is an online audio/visual resource for travel and business information.
The service is a first of its kind, being founded and launched in
Estonia .Estonia is the home of another worlds first -Skype .The idea of Inforadio24 started when the creator of the company became increasing troubled thatTallinn was creating a lot of negative news and not much else. Unfortunately, due to the rise of cheap flights available,Tallinn had become a destination for stag groups and drinking and it was this activity that most people associated withTallinn and in turn, Estonia. The Tallinn City Tourist Board was also aware that their city was in danger of becoming branded a party capital and not much else, so in March 2006, Inforadio24 was launched to help promote a positive image forTallinn .Inforadio24 contains information regarding travel and business. Unlike the various leaflets and websites which promote tourist and business services, Inforadio only concentrates on the 'Top 5' of each category. Less is more, which gives the end user a choice of only the best hotels, restaurants etc that
Tallinn has to offer.The innovation of Inforadio24 comes in the form of the presentations. The reviews are made using audio interviews with customers and video images of the establishments they are in. For example, you are able to watch a short video of a hotel, and then see and hear a guest giving their comments. The reviews are entirely independent - therefore giving the listener a feeling of trust. All reviews are undertaken in the international language of trade and tourism - English.
The advantage of this service, is that it gives the end user a chance to research what is available to them BEFORE they leave home. The average tourist spends up to 2 hours researching their destination before they visit the country.
Due to the success of Inforadio24, the company has now moved across the Baltics, reviewing
Latvia ,Lithuania andFinland . More countries are being added online everyday.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.