

Tyrnavos or Tirnavos (Greek: Τύρναβος, or Τίρναβος with the i or the y accented) is a municipality in the Larissa Prefecture, of the Thessaly region of Greece. Its population was 16,900 (2001). Tyrnavos is the prefecture's second largest community and Thessaly's third largest after Larissa and Volos. The town is near the mountains and the Thessalian Plain. The Titarisios River, a tributary of the Pinios River, flows through the town. Tyrnavos is bypassed by the GR-3 (Larissa - Kozani - Niki) and has an old road connecting the town to Elassona. It will be linked with a superhighway numbered 3 (A3) with an unscheduled opening date.

Tyrnavos is located south-southwest of Thessaloniki and Katerini, northwest of Larissa, east-northeast of Trikala and south-southeast of Elassona and Kozani;



Municipal districts

**Ano Argyropouleio
*Denrdo Tyrnavou
**Agia Sofia



The municipality are made up of mountains covering the northern portion as well as grasslands. Farmlands dominate the southern portion in which it is the Thessalian Plain and the Titarisios valley.


The municipality has the only natural lake in the prefecture in which it has a lot of plants. The lake is located 3 km outside Tyrnavos.Tyrnavos is a major wine producing center.


Tyrnavos has elementary schools, lyceums (high schools), gymnasia (middle schools), banks, churches, a post office, a police station, a pharmacy, restaurants, taverns and a square ("plateia").

Notable people

*Thanassis Papakonstantinou (1959) singer and songwriter


*"The first version of the article is translated from the article at the Greek Wikipedia (Main page)"

External links

* [http://www.gtp.gr/LocPage.asp?id=12893 Tyrnavos (municipality) on GTP Travel Pages]
* [http://www.gtp.gr/LocPage.asp?id=12894 Tyrnavos (village) on GTP Travel Pages]
* [http://www.elassona.com.gr/m_eparxia/sarantaporo/index.php Sarantaporo's Homepage]
*Map and aerial photos:
**Street map information from: [http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?latlongtype=decimal&latitude=39.736&longitude=22.384&zoom=6 Mapquest] , [http://local.live.com/map.aspx?&lats1=39.736&lons1=22.384&alts1=35 LiveLocal] or [http://maps.google.com/maps?||=39.736,22.384 Google] or [http://maps.yahoo.com/maps_result?lat=39.736&lon=22.384&mag=2 Yahoo! Maps]
http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=39.736,22.384&spn=0.11,0.18&t=k Google] or [http://virtualearth.msn.com/default.aspx?cp=39.736|22.384&style=h&lvl=15&v=1 Microsoft Virtual Earth] - image now available

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