- Gadidae
image_width = 250px
image_caption =Atlantic cod , "Gadus morhua "
regnum =Animal ia
phylum = Chordata
classis =Actinopterygii
ordo =Gadiformes
familia = Gadidae
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision = See text for genera and species.Gadidae is a family of marine fish, included in the order
Gadiformes . It includes thecod ,haddock , whiting, andpollock . Some other forms once included here have since been removed to other families; on the other hand, the tadpole cod family Ranicipitidae has now been absorbed into Gadidae (it only contains one species, thetadpole fish , "Raniceps raninus").Genera and species
* "
Arctogadus " Dryagin, 1932.
**East Siberian cod ("Arctogadus borisovi ") Dryagin, 1932
**Arctic cod ("Arctogadus glacialis ") (Peters, 1872)* "
Boreogadus " Günther, 1862.
**Polar cod ("Boreogadus saida ") (Lepechin, 1774)* "
Eleginus " Fischer, 1813.
**Saffron cod ("Eleginus gracilis ") (Tilesius , 1810)
**Navaga ("Eleginus nawaga ") (Koelreuter, 1770)* "
Gadiculus " Guichenot, 1850.
**Silvery cod ("Gadiculus argenteus argentus") Guichenot, 1850
** "Gadiculus argenteus thori " Schmidt, 1914* "Gadus" Linné, 1758.
**Pacific cod ("Gadus macrocephalus ") Tilesius, 1810
**Atlantic cod ("Gadus morhua ")Linnaeus , 1758
**Greenland cod ("Gadus ogac ") Richardson, 1836* "
Melanogrammus " Gill, 1862.
**Haddock ("Melanogrammus aeglefinus ") (Linnaeus , 1758)* "
Merlangius " Garsault, 1764.
** Whiting ("Merlangius merlangus ") (Linnaeus , 1758)* "
Microgadus " Gill, 1865.
**Pacific tomcod ("Microgadus proximus ") (Girard, 1854)
**Atlantic tomcod ("Microgadus tomcod ") (Walbaum, 1792)
* "Micromesistius " Gill, 1863.
**Southern blue whiting ("Micromesistius australis ") Norman, 1937
**Blue whiting ("Micromesistius poutassou ") (Risso, 1827)* "
Pollachius " Nilsson, 1832.
**Atlantic pollock ("Pollachius pollachius ") (Linnaeus , 1758)
**Saithe ("Pollachius virens ") (Linnaeus , 1758)* "
Raniceps " Oken, 1817.
**Tadpole fish ("Raniceps raninus ") (Linnaeus , 1758)* "
Theragra " Lucas in Jordan & Evermann, 1898.
**Alaska pollock ("Theragra chalcogramma ") (Pallas, 1814)
**Norwegian pollock ("Theragra finnmarchica ") Koefoed, 1956* "
Trisopterus " Rafinesque, 1814.
**Norway pout ("Trisopterus esmarkii ") (Nilsson, 1855)
** Pouting ("Trisopterus luscus ") (Linnaeus , 1758)
**Poor cod ("Trisopterus minutus ") (Linnaeus , 1758)References
*FishBase family|family=Gadidae|year=2005|month=December
*"FishBase": [http://www.fishbase.org/identification/specieslist.cfm?famcode=183&areacode= Gadidae species photo gallery]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.