- St Kew
St Kew is a large
parish inNorth Cornwall District Council area,England ,United Kingdom .t Kew Churchtown
The village is named for a Welsh saint,
Cywa or Kew, possibly the sister of Docco, also known as: Docuin, Docwinn, Docquinn [Name of village: Source:Gilbert Hunter Doble "Saints of Cornwall, Part 4: Newquay, Padstow and Bodmin district", Dean & Chapter of Truro (reprinted 1965) Pages 105-109.] , who founded a monastery at or near the village of St Kew. The 15th Century church, however is dedicated to St James [http://www.ncdc.gov.uk/media/adobe/5/e/St_Kew_CA_Statement.pdf St Kew Conservation Area Character Statement, published by North Cornwall District Council in 1997 (pdf file).] .Church of St James
15th century parish church, in the village of St. Kew Churchtown, has importantstained glass window s, including one depicting thePassion of Christ , which were restored in 2005. The windows were the most "memorable" part ofNikolaus Pevsner 's visit [Pevsner,N. "Buildings of England:Cornwall' (1951;1970) (rev. Enid Radclffe) ISBN 0-300-09589-9 . Page 185.] .He also praised the pulpit: "Uncommonly good, Elizabethan, with ornamental panels . . ". He notes the carved capitals, the wagon roof, the 15th C font, bench ends, a 15th C cross-head and the Royal Arms, in stone.There is a curious Ogham stone, found in a local farm, in the church.
Notable residents
Edward Braddon , premier ofTasmania , was born in St Kew. [Edward Braddon:ODNB article by M. N. Sprod, ‘Braddon, Sir Edward Nicholas Coventry (1829–1904)’,Oxford Dictionary of National Biography ,Oxford University Press , 2004 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/32024 accessed 12 Oct 2007] ]
*Rev. Thomas Hutton, (1565/6–1639), Vicar of St Kew (January 1607 until his death in December 1639) and author of "An Answer to Several Reasons for Refusall to Subscribe to the Book of Common Prayer" (1605)Thomas Hutton:ODNB article by Elizabeth Allen, ‘Hutton, Thomas (1565/6–1639)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/14315] , accessed 22 Oct 2007] .t Kew Community Primary School
The St Kew Community Primary School [* [http://www.st-kew.cornwall.sch.uk/ St Kew Community Primary School] ] campus includes an infant playground with sandpit, large general playground with quiet garden, playing field with adventure equipment and science garden. The building is all on one level and comprises three classrooms and additional teaching space. There is a work/artroom, library, reception and hall, with kitchen facilities. St. Kew School, originally located in the Parish Hall at the turn of the 20th. Century, moved to its present location in 1928. Further extension and improvement in 1991 added a complete new wing providing the school with a new kitchen, hall/dining room/gymnasium and workroom, staffroom, library and offices.
Gallery: The church of St James in the village of St Kew
External links
* [http://crocat.cornwall.gov.uk/dserve/dserve.exe?dsqIni=Dserve.ini&dsqApp=Archive&dsqDb=Catalog&dsqCmd=Overview.tcl&dsqSearch=((text)='st%20kew') Cornwall Record Office Online Catalogue for St Kew]
* [http://www.st-kew.cornwall.sch.uk/ St Kew Community Primary School]
* [http://www.stkewparish.org.uk/ St Kew Parish Council website]
* [http://www.genuki.org.uk/big/eng/Cornwall/StKew/index.html Genuki page on St Kew]
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