- 1990 Batticaloa massacre
1990 Batticaloa massacre also known as Sathurukondan massacre is a massacre of at least 76
minority Sri Lankan Tamil refugees including infants from 3 villages in the Batticaloa district by theSri Lankan Army personnel on September 9, 1990. [cite web | url = http://www.hrw.org/wr2k1/asia/srilanka.html | title = Human Rights Watch Country Report for Sri Lanka - 2000 ] cite web | url = http://www.uthr.org/Reports/Report8/chapter2.htm#c| title = The massacre at Sathurukondan: 9th September 1990 – Report 8 ] [cite web | url =http://www.atimes.com/ind-pak/DF22Df04.html|title = Chapter 45: War continues with brutality ] cite web | url = http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=5390 | title = Batticaloa massacre victims remembered ] [cite web|url = http://www.dailynews.lk/2003/10/07/fea06.html
title = Towards reconciliation] The event is part of what is known amongst Sri Lankan Tamils as the Black September events.Incident
The village of Sathurukondan, lie just beyond Iruthayapuram, the northern suburb of Batticaloa. At 5.30 p.m. on
September 9 ,1990 , armed men in uniform and in civilian clothes came into the area and ordered everyone to come on to the road. They were then marched to the army camp in the vicinity after being told that they would be questioned and released. Most of those who were left in the village that day were elderly, women and the very young.According to the only survivor Kanthasamy Krishnakumar (21), in a recording made before leading citizens in Batticaloa: Bquote|"50 commandos walked about 150 of us to the Saturukondan army camp, which we reached about 7.00 or 8.00 p.m. Four were separated from the rest, attacked with swords and kris knives and were pulled away out of the camp. All were then taken to one place, attacked and burnt with tyres..."Krishnakumar who was injured, managed to roll out of sight in the semi-darkness, crept away to a house and asked for water. He then went to his village and stayed in an empty house, and later found his way to his cousin's in Batticaloa town.
The list of victims totaled 184 (Sathurukondan - 38, Kokuvil - 47, Panniachchiady - 37 and Pillayarady - 62). Of this number, there were 47 children below the age of 10 and several women. cite web | url = http://www.disappearances.org/mainfile.php/frep_sl_ne/78/| title = Arrests and subsequent disappearances from the village of Sathurukondan and other Villages ]
Government investigation
1994 two commissions of inquiry were appointed by the then Sri Lankan government to inquire into disappearances and massacre in the villages of Sathurukkondaan, Kokkuvil and Pillaiyaradi.cref|Disappearances in Eastern Province Regarding the group arrest that took place at the Sathurukondan village on 9th September,1990 several important documents were submitted to the Commission during inquiry and among these documents was one submitted by [http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/data/indiv/area/idsas/LAWRENCE,Patricia.htm Patricia Lawrence] of Denver law school, University of Colorado from theUSA .The Commission heard from the testimony of 63 complaints relating to the disappearances of 72 persons. The only survivor after testifying to the details of the incident related that after escaping from the ordeal he admitted himself at a local hospital. As army men started coming in search of him in the hospital, he was discharged by the local Peace Committee members and kept at St. Michel’s College, Batticaloa.
Others who appeared before the Commission testified to the fact that they heard gunshots and noise caused by branches of trees, children falling down crying out in agony and women crying in pain. This was followed by smoke coming out from the camp.
Kandiah Sivakolunthu, Hindu, 37 years old, Sri Lankan Tamil ethnicity, Principal of Ganesh Vidyalayam Karaiyakkan Theevu, residing at Sathurukondan affirmed:
Augustinpillai Philip, Christian, 53 years old, Sri Lankan Tamil ethnicity, retired Electrical Superintendent. 24, Panichayadi, Pillayaradi N.P. Batticaloa. Affirmed:
Bquote|"Through fear I ran to Muhathuwaram with my wife. Thereafter on the following morning I complained to the ICRC. They said they had no permission to go and see there. I went to the Bishop’s house to meet his Lordship, one Mr Sebamalai, a member of the Citizens Committee and I spoke to him. Mr Sebamalai telephoned the Brigadier, Batticaloa. Brigadier said to have two witnesses ready to go and see what happened at Boys’ Town Camp. Those witnesses, Brigadier, the Captain of the Army and his men went to the Boy’s Town. Mr Sebamalai also accompanied the Brigadier. These two persons were asked to see the place. Singarajah had picked up one of the slippers of his wife and there were also pairs of slippers".
Retired judge K. Palakidnar of the Special Presidential Commission of inquiry appointed by the
People's Alliance government described the massacre in detail in his final report. According to the report of the commission of inquiry, 5 infants, 42 children under ten, 85 women and 28 old persons were among the 184 villagers who were murdered. The judge also identified three captains of the Sri Lankan Army: Warnakulasooriya, Herath and Wijenaike as the responsible parties. The judge in his report urged the Sri Lankan President that there is strong evidence for the massacre and that legal action should be taken against the perpetrators. [cite web | url= http://www.uthr.org/SpecialReports/spreport12.htm| title = Unanswered Questions About 1990 Operations in The East]ee also
Other notable massacres in the Eastern province in Sri Lanka
*Akkaraipattu massacre
*Eastern University massacre
*Gonagala massacre
*Gomarankadawala massacre
*Kokkadichcholai massacres
*Kallarawa massacre
*Eastern University massacre
*Mylanthanai massacre
*Prawn farm massacre
*Tampalakamam massacre Notes
*cnote|Disappearances in Eastern Province|Batticaloa district forms part of the Eastern province of Sri Lanka. Within the Batticaloa district, during the late 1980s and early 1990s a total of 1,100 civilians were disappeared and assumed killed. [cite web | url = http://www.disappearances.org/mainfile.php/frep_sl_ne/78/Cyberspace | title = Graveyard for Disappeared Persons – Statistic for Batticaloa district ] [cite web |url = http://www.hrw.org/wr2k2/asia10.html|title = HRW report - Sri Lanka|accessdate=2007-02-02 |format= |work=HRW ]References
External links
* [http://www.fallingrain.com/world/CE/31/Sathurukondan.html Location of Sathurukondan]
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