An Dro

An Dro

An Dro or "En dro" (Breton: "The Turn") is a Breton folk dance in 2/4. The dancers link little fingers in a long line, swinging their arms, and moving to their left by taking longer steps in that direction than when stepping right.

In the generic case the arm movements consist first of two circular motions going up and back (at about chest level) followed by one in the opposite direction (down then front); these are done quite close to the body. This is then followed by a circle in the same sense as the last (down then front) but with full arm extension and extending behind the body. The cycle then repeats. Stepping is on the beat throughout, moving to the left on the close arm circles and in place (or maybe to the right) on the second two. The stance is upright, with soft knees.

At a bal there will be several lines forming, with the leader leading his/her line in some pattern. The leader (person at the left-hand end of the line) will lead the line into a spiral or double it back on itself to form patterns on the dance floor, and allow the dancers to see each other. The feel is that of a hypnotic experience; you can close your eyes and just drift along.

An Dros often have songs associated with them, and these are usually sung as a verse/chorus or call/response, with the leader singing the verses or calls. The musicians will sometimes play from the middle of the dance floor, and the dancers will then often form a spiral around them. You will occasionally run into quite vigorous versions of the dance with large, sharp movements (typically in Breton contexts); be sure you're comfortable with the basic rhythm before you join in...

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*Fest Noz

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