let me see — A phrase employed to express reflection • • • Main Entry: ↑see * * * I let me see (or think) used when one is pausing, trying to remember something, or considering one s next words now let me see, where did I put it? II said as an appeal for time … Useful english dictionary
let\ me\ see — • let me see • let us see informal 1. Let us find out by trying or performing an action. Let me see if you can jump over the fence. 2. Give me time to think or remember. I can t come today. Let me see. How about Friday? Let s see. Where did I put … Словарь американских идиом
let\ us\ see — • let me see • let us see informal 1. Let us find out by trying or performing an action. Let me see if you can jump over the fence. 2. Give me time to think or remember. I can t come today. Let me see. How about Friday? Let s see. Where did I put … Словарь американских идиом
let's\ see — • let me see • let us see informal 1. Let us find out by trying or performing an action. Let me see if you can jump over the fence. 2. Give me time to think or remember. I can t come today. Let me see. How about Friday? Let s see. Where did I put … Словарь американских идиом
let me see — or[let us see] {informal} 1. Let us find out by trying or performing an action. * /Let me see if you can jump over the fence./ 2. Give me time to think or remember. * /I can t come today. Let me see. How about Friday?/ * /Let s see. Where did I… … Dictionary of American idioms
let me see — or[let us see] {informal} 1. Let us find out by trying or performing an action. * /Let me see if you can jump over the fence./ 2. Give me time to think or remember. * /I can t come today. Let me see. How about Friday?/ * /Let s see. Where did I… … Dictionary of American idioms
let's see — 1) used for suggesting that you and one or more other people should find the answer to something let s see if/whether: Let s see if it works. 2) spoken used for saying that you need a moment to think about something Let s see – where was I? 3)… … English dictionary
let's see — 1. I am thinking about this. “Do you have any idea how many people will be there?” “Well, let s see – I don t think I could put a number on it.” Usage notes: used in conversation when you are not sure what to say next 2. I want to discover. Let s … New idioms dictionary
let me see — spoken used for saying that you are thinking about something or trying to remember something It must have been, let me see, 10 years ago … English dictionary
let me see, let's see — see ↑let, 1 • • • Main Entry: ↑see … Useful english dictionary