Infobox Radio Station

name = CHER-FM
airdate = 1965
frequency = 98.3 MHz (FM)
area = Sydney, Nova Scotia
format = Classic rock, Classic hits
owner = Maritime Broadcasting System
erp =
branding = Max FM 98.3
slogan = Everything classic!
class =
website = [ Max 98.3 FM]
callsign_meaning =

CHER is a Canadian radio station, broadcasting from Sydney, Nova Scotia on 98.3 FM. It broadcasts a classic hits format. It is branded "Classic Hits Max FM 98.3".

CHER was an oldies station from 1995 to 2005. Before 1995 it was an adult contemporary station. In 2005 it adopted the above mentioned format.

The station hit the airwaves in December 1965, broadcasting at 950 KHz AM until June 11, 2007. On August 11, 2006, Maritime Broadcasting System, the owner of CHER, was authorized to convert CHER to the FM band, where it is now operating at 98.3 MHz. The station converted to the FM band on June 11, 2007. The station broadcast on both AM and FM for a few weeks. The station has now turned off its AM transmitter. CJCB and CKPE are sister stations of CHER.

External links

* [ Max 98.3 FM]
* [ Maritime Broadcasting System website]
* [ Article at]
* [ CHER Radio Alumni - a Facebook group for former employees of CHER]

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